

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-07 19:05

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:復星醫(yī)藥現(xiàn)金并購方式及績效研究 出處:《云南財經(jīng)大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 現(xiàn)金并購 支付方式 并購績效 復星醫(yī)藥

[Abstract]:As an important means of external development strategy, M & A plays an important role in optimizing the allocation of resources and promoting the adjustment of economic structure. The role of improving the productivity of enterprises and strengthening the competitive position, but in our country in the M & A related issues, many of them have not been well solved. Therefore, the development of M & A theory and the emergence of many failed M & A events have been restricted. Before 2005, most enterprises in China were cash mergers and acquisitions. After that, with the promotion of the reform of the split share structure and the gradual improvement of the laws and regulations of M & A, the use of stock payment and mixed payment in M & A transactions is gradually increasing. However, cash mergers and acquisitions in China's capital market status has not been shaken. Beijing Jiaotong University Ph.D. (Song Xiliang 2010) [1] put forward "when the acquirer decides to merge the target company." Three basic problems should be solved: first, payment; Second, financing arrangement and control structure; According to the statistics of M & A payment methods of Chinese listed companies in recent years, although other forms such as stock payment are gradually increasing. But the traditional cash payment is still an important and fast way of payment, accounting for almost more than 80%. Why do Chinese listed companies still prefer cash payment when M & A? Through what channels are the huge amounts of cash paid for M & A raised? How about M & A performance? To solve the above problems, it is helpful for us to grasp the rules of M & A payment in theory, to deepen the performance of M & A, and in practice. M & A enterprises choose appropriate payment methods according to their own and external conditions to improve the success rate of M & A. At the same time, the promotion of corporate value is of great significance to promote the diversification of M & A payment methods in China. This paper adopts the method of combining normative research and case study. In the case, the logical lines of "the motivation of M & A-payment mode-financing mode-M & A performance" are taken as the case study object to the six M & A events that occurred in Fosun Medicine from 2010 to 2014. The case study shows that Fosun Medicine is based on the undervaluation of shares in order to avoid dilution of controlling rights of controlling shareholders. The four reasons of strong financing ability and abundant cash flow lead to a single way of payment, basically cash merger. Short-term performance calculation excess cumulative yield CAR value, at the same time build the number of patent applications, the number of new drugs. There are 12 financial and non-financial index systems to evaluate the long-term M & A performance of the company, such as the rate of return on net assets and the growth rate of overseas operating income. Finally, the conclusion is drawn that although cash M & A brings performance improvement to Fosun Medicine. However, some measures should be taken to promote the diversification of M & A payment in China, including the improvement of the capital market and the reduction of information asymmetry. (2) procedures for reducing the issuance of shares; (3) play the role of intermediary; 4) broaden the financing channels of M & A and encourage mixed payment.


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