

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-07 13:26

  本文關鍵詞:純電動公交車內氣流分布特性及熱舒適性研究 出處:《西南交通大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 純電動公交車 熱負荷 氣流組織 熱舒適性 優(yōu)化設計

【摘要】:為了應對能源短缺和環(huán)境污染問題,在交通領域我國正大力發(fā)展新能源城市公交車。人們在公交車內度過的時間越來越多,車廂內的舒適性也成為人們日益關注的問題。熱舒適性直接影響著司機和乘客的身心健康,同時影響著行車安全性和燃油經(jīng)濟性。所以,車廂內熱舒適性研究越來越受到汽車公司的重視。現(xiàn)階段,車廂內熱舒適性的研究主要有試驗和數(shù)值模擬兩種方法。為縮短開發(fā)周期,降低成本,計算流體動力學(CFD,Computational Fluid Dynamics)方法在汽車設計開發(fā)過程中應用廣泛。本文采用CFD方法研究車廂內氣流組織分布和人員的熱舒適性,計算結果為提高純電動公交車的熱舒適性、降低空調系統(tǒng)能耗和優(yōu)化空調系統(tǒng)設計提供了依據(jù)。根據(jù)研究車型CDK6850CBEV的車身結構和物性參數(shù),建立了穩(wěn)態(tài)情況下的熱負荷模型。運用MATLAB編寫了熱負荷計算程序,通過改變各種參數(shù)分析其對車廂熱負荷的影響,提出降低整車熱負荷的方法。通過ICEM建立了合理簡化的公交車車廂內部三維模型。對網(wǎng)格無關性和湍流方程的選擇進行了研究,確定選用Realizable k-ε模型。對車廂內速度場和溫度場進行了測定實驗,通過仿真結果和實驗數(shù)據(jù)對比,吻合較好,驗證了數(shù)值模擬的可靠性。用FLUNT軟件對比計算了車廂內空載、滿座和滿座三種模型,對比計算了滿座模型下十種不同送風參數(shù)工況。在結果分析時,應用Tecplot軟件提取了大量典型截面的速度場和溫度場分布圖,以及某些特征點溫度和速度沿車廂高度(Z軸)方向的數(shù)據(jù)。最后對結果進行對比,定性分析乘客數(shù)量和送風參數(shù)對車廂內氣流組織和熱舒適性的影響。調取FLUENT軟件計算結果,并對其進行統(tǒng)計分析處理。選取車廂內幾個典型截面,用不均勻系數(shù)法和空氣擴散性能指數(shù)(ADPI)評價氣流組織好壞;選取車廂內不同座位的人員,用當量溫度(EQT)評價人體的熱舒適性,用能量利用系數(shù)(投入能量利用系數(shù))對公交車空調系統(tǒng)進行經(jīng)濟評價。最后,根據(jù)之前的分析結果,在保證送風參數(shù)(送風熱量)不變的前提下,對公交車空調通風系統(tǒng)進行優(yōu)化設計,主要是通過改變車玻璃材料、回風口布置和送回風方式。設計了多溫區(qū)獨立控制空調系統(tǒng),使車廂內的熱舒適性得到了很大的改善。
[Abstract]:In order to deal with the problem of energy shortage and environmental pollution, China is vigorously developing new energy city buses in the field of transportation. People spend more and more time in buses. Thermal comfort directly affects the physical and mental health of drivers and passengers as well as safety and fuel economy. More and more attention has been paid to the study of thermal comfort in cars. At present, the research of thermal comfort in cars mainly includes two methods: test and numerical simulation, in order to shorten the development period and reduce the cost. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Computational Fluid dynamics). The method is widely used in automobile design and development. In this paper, CFD method is used to study the distribution of airflow and the thermal comfort of persons. The results provide the basis for improving the thermal comfort of the pure electric bus, reducing the energy consumption of the air conditioning system and optimizing the design of the air conditioning system. According to the study of the body structure and physical parameters of the vehicle CDK6850CBEV. The model of heat load under steady state is established, and the calculation program of heat load is compiled by MATLAB. The influence of various parameters on the thermal load of carriage is analyzed by changing all kinds of parameters. This paper presents a method to reduce the heat load of the whole vehicle. Through ICEM, a reasonably simplified three-dimensional model of the bus compartment is established. The grid independence and the selection of turbulent equations are studied. The Realizable k- 蔚 model is chosen. The velocity field and temperature field in the car are measured. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental data. The reliability of numerical simulation is verified. The three models of no load, full seat and full seat are calculated by FLUNT software, and ten different conditions of air supply parameters under full seat model are calculated. Tecplot software is used to extract a large number of distribution maps of velocity field and temperature field of typical cross section, as well as the temperature and velocity data of some characteristic points along the Z axis of carriage height. Finally, the results are compared. This paper qualitatively analyzes the influence of passenger number and air supply parameters on airflow organization and thermal comfort in the carriage. The calculation results of FLUENT software are obtained, and the statistical analysis is carried out. Several typical sections of the carriage are selected. The non-uniformity coefficient method and the air diffusivity index (ADPI) were used to evaluate the airflow distribution. The thermal comfort of human body was evaluated by equivalent temperature EQT, and the economic evaluation of bus air-conditioning system was carried out with energy utilization coefficient (input energy utilization coefficient). According to the previous analysis results, under the premise that the air supply parameters (air supply heat) remain unchanged, the optimization design of the bus air conditioning ventilation system is carried out, mainly by changing the vehicle glass material. The air conditioning system with independent control in multi-temperature zone is designed, which improves the thermal comfort of the compartments greatly.


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