

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-07 11:06

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:武漢大學(xué)生手機購買品牌偏好影響因素分析 出處:《華中科技大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 大學(xué)生 品牌偏好 消費 手機

[Abstract]:With the development of education reform, the number of college students is more and more, the characteristics of the fusion era: born in the Internet era, rich in material, college students constitute a special consumer group, in the consumer market has an important position; At the same time, with the rapid development of economy and the trend of globalization, the popular consumers' brand concept and brand consumption are increasing. Through the investigation, it is found that mobile phone has become a necessity for college students. College students' consumption ability is limited but the pursuit of new things, there are great differences in the consumption situation, which has great research value, so this paper will focus on the influencing factors of college students' mobile phone purchase brand preference. It is convenient for enterprises to understand the status quo of college students' mobile phone consumption, consumption characteristics and factors affecting brand preference, and to provide the basis for enterprises to target at the brand marketing and brand management of college students. This paper takes college students as the research object. The questionnaire was designed and the data were collected. The consumer cognitive deviation scale was monitored by the Richter 7 subscale. The self-monitoring scale adopted Synder's self-monitoring scale. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS software, including descriptive statistical analysis, cross-table analysis and factor analysis. Correlation analysis. This paper studies the degree of university students' mobile phone practicability preference brand preference for domestic and foreign mobile phone and university students' mobile phone recognition and self-monitoring level. The results show that students with different personal factors have significant differences in their preference for mobile phone brands at home and abroad. But there is no significant difference in practical preference; The practical preference of college students for mobile phone is positively correlated with mobile phone recognition and low self-monitoring. College students' preference for domestic and foreign mobile phone brands has significant differences in different uses, different consumption levels, different consumption attitude deviation and other factors. From these analysis results can be seen. The reasons for the different preferences of college students in the selection and purchase of mobile phones are personal consumption level, understanding of the mobile phone market, consumption philosophy and so on. Finally, based on the research of this paper. Combined with the characteristics of college students' consumption, this paper puts forward the brand management method and marketing strategy for college students' mobile phone market.


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