Gender wage gap Foreign trade dependence Price of trade Mode
International Trade and Gender Wage Gap in China
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WEI Hao ,YANG Sui ,FU Tian
Abstr:It is a new field to analyze how foreign trade impacts gender wage gap in China. Combining data from Chinese Household Income Project(CHIP) in 2002 and 2007, this paper makes an empirical analysis on the impacts of international trade on gender wage discrimination. The study finds that the development of foreign trade has widened the gender wage gap, which contradicts with the neoclassical theory. Specifically,(1) in the aspect of trade dependence,the import dependence and total trade dependence have a statistically significant and positive impact on gender wage gap, and import dependence is most influential;(2) from the perspective of mode of trade, compared with processing trade,the import dependence and foreign trade dependence of general trade have more statistically significant impacts on gender wage gap, and the impact of import of general trade on gender wage gap is sizable and statistically significant;(3) from the perspective of price of trade, it has a negative impact on gender wage gap, but compared with the price changes of total trade and processing trade, only import price of general trade and total price of import and export have statistically significant impacts on gender wage gap;(4) finally, changes of terms of trade have a positive impact on gender wage gap, but the impact is not statistically significant.
Keyword::Gender wage gap Foreign trade dependence Price of trade Mode of trade Terms of trade
課題項目:教育部社科基金項目(14YJA790058); 北京高等學校青年英才計劃項目(108201)的階段性成果