

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-25 15:39
[Abstract]:Currency mismatch is a common economic and financial phenomenon faced by developing countries under the economic globalization. This paper first analyzes that the existing currency mismatch index can not accurately measure or even mismeasure the mismatch of creditor's rights, and can not deeply understand the problem of currency mismatch in emerging powers, and puts forward the CBCM index to measure and generalize Russia and China. The mismatch between Brazil and India decreases in turn, with linear growth and official centralization. On this basis, the paper points out that this mismatch is caused by the net foreign assets of the emerging powers, the expectation of the appreciation of the local currency and the intervention of the government based on the stability of the domestic economy and its surrounding economies.
【作者單位】: 長沙理工大學金融制度研究所;
【基金】:國家社科基金重大項目“大國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展理論研究”(11&ZD144) 國家軟科學研究計劃項目“我國銀行業(yè)市場退出機制研究”(2010GXS5D242) 教育部人文社科規(guī)劃基金項目“新興大國貨幣錯配、金融穩(wěn)定與對策研究”(11YJA790139)的階段性成果


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