

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-05 10:37

  本文選題:并購重組 + 產(chǎn)業(yè)安全; 參考:《北京交通大學(xué)》2016年博士論文

[Abstract]:Industrial security is the core and key of the stability and development of the national economy, especially with the vigorous development of the world economy, the enhancement of the international economic ties and the increasing attention of the industrial security. The foundation of any country to ensure the autonomy and economic ownership of its own economic development is the basis of industrial security. With the development of the economy and society, the merger and reorganization of domestic enterprises has become an important means for the enterprise to be bigger and stronger, the industrial field is integrated, and even the national economy is adjusted in the micro economy. The way, the content, the motivation and the relevance of the merger and reorganization of enterprises are increasingly diverse, and the influence on the industrial economy and the industrial security is deepening day by day. The practical value and profound theoretical research significance of M & A of domestic enterprises in the perspective of industrial security are systematically studied in the economic environment and the diversification demand of merger and acquisition and reorganization of enterprises. This paper is based on the basic research perspective and foundation of industrial security, and gives the combination of the merger and reorganization of domestic enterprises as the main line. The problem of industrial safety is new. It is pointed out that the problem of industrial safety is not only studied by the epitaxy, but also the economic behavior of the foreign investment countries, including the intension research. The role of the domestic economic behavior is also influenced by the domestic economic behavior. The article also from the industrial economics perspective, from the industrial organization, production respectively. In the five aspects of industry structure, industrial layout, industrial policy and industrial development, this paper discusses the impact of merger and reorganization of domestic enterprises on its security level, and points out that the maximum social welfare should be the highest form of industrial security pursuit under the condition of connotative industry safety. Based on the above research perspective and logic main line, The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) combing the production, extending, and developing theory of industrial safety theory, summarizing the five basic aspects of the subsystems theory of industrial economy and the research of industrial economy and combining with the theory of national economic security, and laying a good theoretical foundation for the next Research on the theory of mechanics. (two) the theory of relative theory. On the basis of complete industrial economic theory paradigm as the basic research framework, this paper studies the impact mechanism of M & A on industrial security from the five aspects of the security theory of industrial economy. According to the research content of the impact mechanism, the industrial security evaluation and early warning method are introduced, and the "merger and acquisition and reorganization of enterprises" is constructed. According to the quantitative analysis of the industrial security situation, the aim is to make a thorough analysis of the problem by quantitative research, so as to build a set of forward-looking and scientific evaluation system which combines with the objective reality and develop, which is beneficial to the accuracy and completeness. This paper scientifically appraise the state of industrial safety and scientific early-warning research under the merger and reorganization of domestic enterprises. (three) take the steel industry of Hebei Province as an example to analyze and study the impact of the process of merger and reorganization of Hebei iron and Steel Group on the industrial safety of Hebei province and the national steel industry. According to the above research content, the following basic conclusions are drawn: (I) the impact of M & A on industrial security is deepened as a whole. From the five aspects of industrial organization, structure, layout, policy and development, enterprise merger and acquisition in China The reorganization is still in the stage of extension expansion, the promotion of the connotation of productivity is insufficient. Individual industries even form a monopoly, which leads to the deepening of the impact on the overall impact of industrial security and the decline in the dimension of industrial security. (two) enterprise merger and reorganization has not brought the whole welfare effect of the society as a whole. At present, Chinese enterprises pay attention to the consumer surplus The degree of merger and acquisition in domestic enterprises is not enough, and most of the mergers and acquisitions in domestic enterprises have not achieved the overall welfare effect of the society. Due to the mistake of the timing of merger and acquisition, the cost of merger and acquisition is too high, even the surplus of producers has not been achieved, the profit has been greatly reduced, and the total benefit of the society is greatly reduced (three) the merger and reorganization of enterprises before the merger and acquisition. Market orientation is weak. In the motivation and behavior of mergers and acquisitions in China, the choice of market behavior is weak, the merger and reorganization mostly has a strong administrative driving color, the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources has not been fully played. (four) the awareness of early warning of industrial safety precautions has not been established. In the general pursuit of the expansion of the scale, the promotion of economic benefits, the awareness of the prevention and early warning of industrial safety, and even the interests of the national industry for the sake of the interests of the enterprise, the governments at all levels, in the process of promoting mergers and acquisitions, also pay attention to the growth of the scale, the increase of GDP and the income of the finance, and the whole industry of the region and even the country. The new point of this paper is that the topic of "the study on the impact of merger and reorganization of domestic enterprises on industrial safety" has important practical significance in today's social and economic background. The combined thinking theory innovation method, respectively from the industrial organization safety theory, the industrial layout safety theory, the industrial policy safety theory and the industrial structure safety theory, the industrial development safety theory angle, the five in one innovatively discussed the impact of the domestic enterprise merger and acquisition reorganization on the industrial security, and put forward another new interpretation and maintenance of the production. The thought of industry safety has the theoretical value of innovation.


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