

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-03 07:49

  本文選題:西部能源 + 二氧化碳; 參考:《華中科技大學》2016年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, China's economy has developed rapidly, with huge energy consumption and some environmental problems. The western region is rich in energy resources and provides a guarantee for China's energy supply, which is of great significance to the development of the social economy. For the western region, the second industries with high energy consumption and high emission account for a large proportion, accompanied by energy. Consumption inevitably produces a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions, the situation is very severe. At the same time, due to the drought in the western region, the lack of water resources restricts the healthy development of the energy industry. How to coordinate the energy, the relationship between the three economy and the environment and the sustainable development of low carbon under the constraint of water resources is a severe challenge for the western region. This paper gives a brief overview of the development of energy industry in the western region. The cointegration analysis and Grainger causality test are carried out on the energy consumption and economic growth of the five western provinces in Western China. The results show that there is a certain linear combination between the five provinces of the west to achieve a certain equilibrium relationship, and that the economic growth of the five provinces in the west is directly driven by the same time. The LMDI decomposition method was used to analyze the carbon dioxide emissions and water consumption of five western provinces in Western China. The results showed that the energy intensity factor and energy consumption structure factor were inhibited by the unit GDP carbon dioxide emissions, and the industrial structure factors promoted the carbon dioxide emissions. The water consumption intensity factor and per capita GDP factor are the most influential factors in the water consumption of the five provinces in the West. The decrease of industrial water consumption means that the water consumption can be improved and the consumption of water resources can be reduced effectively. A mixed energy economic model based on input-output model is established, and the energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission of the five provinces in the western regions are in different circumstances. The result shows that the western region should accelerate the implementation of energy saving and water saving work in order to better coordinate energy and the relationship between the three people of the economy and the environment. The development of energy industry in the western region is proposed by the efficiency of the high energy use, the adjustment of the industrial structure, the optimization of the structure of energy use, the improvement of the efficiency of water use, and the improvement of the relevant policies and regulations.


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