

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-27 07:14

  本文選題:休閑農(nóng)業(yè) + 休閑農(nóng)業(yè)園 ; 參考:《成都理工大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The development of leisure agriculture in our country has experienced three stages: initial scale and comprehensive development, and the scale is constantly expanding. As the primary industry, the combination of the secondary industry and the tertiary industry, leisure agriculture has developed rapidly and has formed a new industrial form and consumption pattern. Leisure agriculture is an important way to realize agricultural modernization and the carrier and platform of agricultural modernization. Therefore, whether at the national level, or all places attach great importance to the development of leisure agriculture. Leisure agriculture has been developed for more than 30 years in various forms, such as traditional farming, sightseeing agricultural parks and so on. Now, more and more residents pursue more leisure space and return to the natural leisure mode in life and leisure, at the same time, they have the level of urban life. Leisure agriculture is in the key period of transformation and upgrading. This article provides a high-level form of leisure agriculture development mode by building a fine leisure agriculture park of peach industry in Longwang Town which has certain reference significance. In this paper, the basic concepts and related theories of leisure agriculture are expounded based on the theoretical basis and domestic and foreign literature research. At the same time, it introduces the concept of leisure agricultural park, summarizes the characteristics and scientific construction principles of leisure agricultural park, and lays a theoretical and methodological foundation for the next part of empirical research. Through case analysis, the paper summarizes the construction process of leisure agricultural park: comprehensive analysis of the park from the location conditions, topography and geomorphology, which provides scientific basis and support for the construction of the park, and forms a comprehensive analysis, concept and positioning. Space and function, construction of four major processes of leisure agriculture park construction process. Theory and practice are combined. Select Qingbai Longwang Town peach industry fine leisure agriculture garden as an empirical case study. First of all, the park for basic analysis and development conditions analysis. On this basis, the orientation and construction idea of the whole park is determined, and a comprehensive park with complete function and reasonable layout is formed by scientific layout and design from five aspects: production, function, text, landscape and project. With a view to similar leisure agriculture park construction and development has a certain theoretical and practical significance.


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