

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-26 21:41

  本文選題:農業(yè)資源 + 資源循環(huán)利用; 參考:《中國農業(yè)資源與區(qū)劃》2017年08期

[Abstract]:[objective] taking Zhoukou area of Henan Province as an example, this paper makes a field investigation and analysis on the recycling utilization of local agricultural resources and the integration of regional characteristic industries, and probes into new measures to promote their synergistic development. In order to provide reference for local and other areas of agricultural development. [methods] by using field investigation and statistical analysis, the present situation of agricultural resources in Zhoukou area and the integration of recycling of agricultural resources with regional characteristic industries were studied in this paper. This paper analyzes the necessity of recycling agricultural resources and the importance of merging with regional characteristic industries, and puts forward some relevant improvement measures. [results] the Zhoukou area is rich in grain resources and high in yield. The development of agriculture mainly depends on agricultural chemicals, agricultural natural resources for agricultural production, and simply pursues the linear development of grain yield. The mode of development is "resource input-production activity-product and waste". The recycling efficiency of agricultural resources is not high and the protection of agricultural ecological environment is neglected. The agricultural production and management in Zhoukou area was originally self-employed. With the development of scale, the large farmers, leading enterprises, family farms and so on were formed, and the circular utilization of agricultural resources was carried out around the specific links and production processes of agricultural production. However, in this process, due to the excessive reclamation of land, the use of a large number of pesticides and fertilizers, the imperfect infrastructure and other problems, the agricultural ecological environment in Zhoukou area has been deteriorating continuously, and the blind circular input rather than the recycling of resources has been made. The sustainable development of agriculture is restricted and the integration of regional characteristic industries is affected. [conclusion] there are abundant agricultural resources in Zhoukou area of Henan Province, but the development mode of agricultural production is relatively simple, the utilization ratio of agricultural resources is not high, and the protection of agricultural ecological environment has been neglected in the course of agricultural production. The region should combine the advantages of local industries, make the development of agricultural waste resources and aquaculture form a circular industrial model, change the concept of development, form a benign interaction between the recycling utilization of agricultural resources and regional characteristic industries, and promote the development of regional industries.
【作者單位】: 商丘學院工商管理學院;


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