

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-26 07:50

  本文選題:“一帶一路”倡議 + 中國(guó)鋼鐵產(chǎn)業(yè); 參考:《華東師范大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As one of the most important pillar industries in China, the steel industry has experienced a period of rapid development. In recent years, the problems of overcapacity and shrinking market demand have become increasingly prominent. The overcapacity is serious, the profit level of enterprises is low, the level of energy saving and environmental protection is lagging behind, the ability of independent innovation is insufficient, and in the process of carrying out foreign trade, the competitiveness of the international market is insufficient and the trade friction is increasing. These problems force China's steel industry to resolve overcapacity and upgrade the industry must be on the agenda. The "Belt and Road" initiative has brought unprecedented development opportunities to the bewildered Chinese iron and steel enterprises. More and more experts have noticed that the "Belt and Road" initiative is helping to resolve overcapacity in China's steel industry. Promote the upgrading of China's iron and steel industry and other aspects have an important role. Therefore, China's iron and steel industry should seize the favorable opportunity of the "Belt and Road" initiative in time, make active use of the resource support effect, market expansion effect, direct foreign investment effect, open up ways to realize the strategic effect, and resolve the problem of overcapacity. Realize the industrial structure transformation and upgrade as soon as possible. This paper mainly adopts the methods of comparative analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, systematic analysis and so on, introduces the related research background, expounds the related concepts, theoretical knowledge and domestic and foreign literature. This paper analyzes the current situation of China's iron and steel industry and foreign trade in detail, and finds out the way to solve the overcapacity and structural upgrading of China's iron and steel industry. Then it puts forward the realization mechanism of overcapacity and structural upgrading of China's iron and steel industry under the background of "Belt and Road" initiative. Finally, it puts forward the safeguard measures of the realization mechanism from three levels: government, iron and steel enterprises and trade associations. We hope to provide reference and guidance for China's iron and steel industry to eliminate excess capacity and speed up industrial upgrading.


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