

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-07 16:01

  本文關鍵詞:我國汽車服務業(yè)在汽車產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈中的地位及其影響因素的研究 出處:《上海師范大學》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 汽車服務業(yè) 汽車產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈 產(chǎn)業(yè)地位 影響因素

[Abstract]:With the rapid growth of automobile ownership in China, automobile production and sales have been ranked first in the world for five consecutive years, which brings the rapid development of automobile service industry located downstream of automobile industry chain. Compared with the foreign mature automobile market, the development of China's automobile service industry lags behind, and it is far from the developed countries, and the space for development is huge, so as to enhance the status of China's automobile service industry in the automobile industry chain. Exploring the key factors that restrict the promotion of automobile service industry position not only has injected the strong impetus for the realization of China's "automobile powerful nation dream". And it coincides with the idea of "green and low carbon", which is increasingly popular in the automotive industry. In view of the above background, based on previous studies. In this paper, firstly, the status of automobile service industry in automobile industry chain is analyzed in detail. Then, combined with the current situation of China's automobile service industry in the automotive industry chain in the industrial status of the impact factors were explored. Specifically, the author first from the value chain theory, industrial status theory. The status of automobile service industry in automobile industry chain in China is analyzed from three angles of smile curve theory, and it is concluded that the automobile service industry in China is still in the development stage of auxiliary department. Then, the author combs the many factors that affect the status of automobile service industry in China theoretically. Finally, the panel model is used to test the results of the above theory based on the actual data. The empirical results are consistent with those of the previous theories. Both of them show that the strong demand for automobile services in China will be an important opportunity to promote the position of China's automobile service industry in the automobile industry chain. Road construction and economic development play an important role in promoting the status of automobile service industry. The promotion of urbanization and the deepening of finance, especially the development of car rental business, have a strong role in promoting the industrial status of automobile service industry. In addition, the second-hand car market matures gradually also is advantageous to the automobile service industry position enhancement.


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