

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-07 15:00

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:江漢平原產(chǎn)業(yè)合作研究 出處:《湖北省社會(huì)科學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文 論文類(lèi)型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 江漢平原 產(chǎn)業(yè)合作 區(qū)位商 產(chǎn)業(yè)同構(gòu) 城市經(jīng)濟(jì)聯(lián)系強(qiáng)度

[Abstract]:Jianghan Plain is located in the province of a thousand lakes in South Central Hubei Province, is China's three plain of the Yangtze River Plain. The important part in the reform and opening up, the level of economic development in Jianghan Plain was once the leading in the province's economic development. However, with the beginning of reform and opening up and deepening the central region, affected by the rapid development of the eastern coastal areas and the western development policy, the factors of production constantly flowing to the two sides of things, the effect of accumulation eventually led to the "central collapse". In Hubei Province, the original Jiang Hanping collapse leads to a lack of vitality of regional economic integration, restricts the development of economy, limiting the overall competitiveness Hubei province. With the theory of this cooperation from the regional industry, combined with the basic situation of the city development in Jianghan plain region, by calculating the location quotient, the same industry The measure of city economic contact intensity coefficient, etc., within the area of each city in agriculture, industry, service industry is studied in three aspects of the development of key industries and cooperation within the region, analysis of city in agriculture, industry, between their own advantages and disadvantages and the mutual economic relations cooperation in the service industry, and points out that within the region in the city of agriculture, industry and services industry cooperation are three aspects of the problem, and finally puts forward suggestions to deepen cooperation industry in Jianghan Plain. The thesis is structured as follows: the first chapter is the introduction, first elaborated the research background of the article and research significance, and then reviews the literature review at home and abroad, summed up the industrial cooperation (integration the research status on the issue) and the revitalization of the Jianghan Plain, finally explains on the research contents and methods and the innovations and shortcomings of this paper. The second chapter is the regional industrial cooperation phase The theoretical research on the advantages of regional cooperation, based on the theory of industrial cluster and industrial transfer theory, the theory of regional economic growth and regional economic integration theory in detail. Chapter third, fourth, five respectively in Jianghan Plain Agriculture, research on the development and cooperation of industry and service industry, first introduced the Jianghan Plain agriculture, the city development foundation industrial and service industry and regional development of agriculture, industry and service industry, and industry of agriculture in Jianghan Plain, favorable conditions for cooperation, the service industry is analyzed, and then by calculating the location quotient, the coefficient of similarity of industrial, agricultural, city economic relation intensity of regional industry, the service industry cooperation based on the analysis, finally pointed out the regional agriculture, industry and service industry cooperation exist problems. The sixth chapter is the deepening of industrial cooperation in Jianghan Plain, mainly from the clear city Functional positioning, steadily promoting industrial integration, innovating regional coordination mechanism, establishing diversified investment and financing mechanisms, building a demonstration area for undertaking industrial transfer, and establishing talent sharing and incentive mechanism, have made suggestions for industrial cooperation in Jianghan Plain.



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