

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-07 03:33

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:信陽市高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展中的人才資源開發(fā)問題研究 出處:《信陽師范學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 信陽 高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè) 人才資源開發(fā)

[Abstract]:In twenty-first Century, with the development of science and social progress and globalization, the competition between countries has changed from traditional competition to science and technology, talent and intellectual capital competition. With the continuous development of new science and technology, the main industry of modern social and economic development gradually occupied by high-tech, and the development process of high-tech enterprises, human resources play a key role. Is the source of power to promote the smooth development of high-tech enterprises. Xinyang city has vigorously promote the industrialization of high-tech development. Gradually establish a high-tech research base, constantly improve the development of high-tech industries, traditional enterprises gradually introduce high-tech, high-tech industry has gradually expanded the scale, become the core industry in the economic development of Xinyang the occupy GDP ratio increased gradually, high-tech enterprises bring more economic benefits for the economic development of Xinyang City, but because of its The development of a relatively short time, in the field of technology on the existence of certain defects, and other areas of the industry, innovation, enterprise innovation and industrialization base cluster effect is not obvious, there is a large gap, talent resources, high-tech talent resources, development is not enough, lack of investment, the total amount of talents insufficient, imbalance of talent structure, by the traditional concept of constraints and the lack of human resources strategic development consciousness, these problems lead to the development of high-tech industry in Xinyang is slow. Compared with the traditional industries, high-tech industry with professional skill requirements are higher, therefore, technical personnel with adequate professional skills is the key to the sustainable development of high-tech enterprises, one of the the main factor is the process of enterprise development. This paper researches on how to improve the human resources in the high-tech industry perspective, through literature Analysis and data analysis, the current situation of the development of high-tech industries in Xinyang and its problems are discussed, and the factors of human resources which are briefly analyzed, strengthening the human resource development of Xinyang high-tech industry, we should strengthen the introduction of talent training, alleviate the personnel tension, to strengthen the introduction of talent cultivation and local talent improve the human resources market system, and actively use the old supporting policy, optimization of Xinyang talent resource environment of high-tech industry; secondly to improve the personnel security service system, retain talent resources, to create a good environment for people to create a relaxed working environment, talent incentive mechanism, improve the level of training management personnel; finally, to improve the talent the environment, strengthen human resources development, expand the cultural roots Pro Xinyang human resource network, create respect knowledge, respect talent atmosphere, open construction Open and tolerant environment, establishing advanced enterprise culture. The only way to attract more talents to Xinyang employment, to promote the development of high-tech industry in Xinyang, Xinyang to speed up the adjustment of industrial structure, to undertake industrial transfer and economic transformation and upgrading to provide more perfect technical personnel resources.



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5 王Z,




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