

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-06 15:42

  本文關鍵詞:陜西政府投資引導基金支持戰(zhàn)略性新興產業(yè)政策研究 出處:《長安大學》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 陜西 政府投資 引導基金 新興產業(yè) 政策

[Abstract]:Government investment guidance fund is a financial innovation tool. Since 2007, the government has issued a series of policy documents on investment guidance fund. Local governments at all levels have set up and issued measures to manage the operation. Since 2008, Shaanxi government investment and guidance fund has developed rapidly. At present, a total of 22 funds have been set up, with a total scale of 16.47 billion yuan. Investment accounts for 30% of the total, and some investment projects have achieved good results. This paper chooses the Shaanxi Government Investment guidance Fund to support the research of strategic emerging industries. To better leverage social capital to participate in industrial investment and accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading. It is of great practical significance to make a success of "the 13th Five-Year Plan" in building a well-off society in an all-round way and to catch up with others. The following factors should be considered while following the relevant economic theories: first, how to carry out the relevant national policies. This is determined by our country's administrative system. Second, how to further improve the current policy at the provincial level, improve the quality and efficiency of operation. Third, how to better deal with the new situation encountered in the development of enterprises. Try to solve the actual problems of enterprises. Fourth, need to learn from domestic and foreign solutions to similar problems and experience, learn from each other. Five is to consider the stage characteristics of regional development and the possibility of resources and environmental conditions, whether to provide the necessary basic protection. The text is divided into four parts, through the literature theory and policy status research, the current Shaanxi policy problems such as multiple political outlets, policy dislocation, absence, offside and weakness. At the same time, draw lessons from domestic and foreign experience, targeted to promote the formation of a new system-government guidance, new mechanisms-financial innovation, new power-emerging industries as the goal, adhere to the public welfare of government investment guide funds. Openness, professionalism and direction, construction of sound laws and regulations, sound fiscal incentives, technical risk assessment and investment guidance, sound multi-level capital market. The innovation of this paper is to choose the perspective of supply-side structural reform to create a new mechanism for the integration of supply and demand between finance and industry. The investigation and analysis from the angle of view of choosing small and medium-sized enterprises enhances the pertinence and effectiveness of the policy. In addition, it ensures the priority of private investment and private capital income. This paper puts forward the construction of fiscal and tax preferences and entrepreneurs' incentives with risk compensation as the core content. This achievement is the formulation of the "Shaanxi Government Investment guidance Fund Management measures" and "the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan". Strategic emerging industries development plan to provide support. For other provinces to provide reference, to promote China's economic transformation and industrial upgrading to provide a reference.


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5 李楊;蘇州市風險投資引導基金運作模式研究[D];蘇州大學;2014年





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