

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-05 15:32

  本文關鍵詞:產業(yè)集聚、融資約束與企業(yè)成長 出處:《天津財經(jīng)大學》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 產業(yè)集聚 融資約束 企業(yè)成長 金融外部性 中介效應

[Abstract]:In the current transition period of China, the capital market is not perfect and can not be effectively improved in the short term, therefore, for a long time. Those enterprises that rely on external financing to grow, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, have been faced with the "financing difficulties". Capital shortages have often been the culprit for business paralysis or even premature death due to a "lack of fuel". However, recent phenomena have shown that. The enterprises in the industrial agglomeration area are easier to obtain the unique financing advantages compared with the free enterprises, and become the beneficial help for the growth of the enterprises under the financial deficiency. Therefore, this paper intends to take the perspective of the "financial externality" of the industrial agglomeration. This paper discusses the mechanism of industrial agglomeration affecting the growth of enterprises by easing financing constraints. Industrial agglomeration depends on its natural information exchange mechanism and moral constraint mechanism. It can alleviate the problems such as low transparency of information, low confidence of capital, insufficient effective mortgage, high transaction and supervision cost, which can effectively improve the efficiency of enterprises and promote the growth of enterprises. This paper uses the database of China's industrial enterprises from 1998 to 2007 and the large sample data from the World Bank's survey on the investment environment of enterprises in 2005. The empirical analysis of this mechanism. First of all, through the construction of intermediary effect model. The results show that industrial agglomeration through information sharing mechanism can significantly alleviate the financing sensitivity and financing costs faced by enterprises. In order to promote the growth of enterprises. Secondly, in order to prevent the existence of adverse causal relationship between industrial agglomeration and financing constraints, the accuracy of the estimation results may be affected. Therefore, select the industrial agglomeration variable lag and lag two period values to further study, orderly logit model estimation results are more robust. At the same time, this paper further research found. The mitigation of financing constraints will have an unbalanced impact on the growth of enterprises of different scales. Specifically, agglomeration does not have a significant mitigation effect on the financing of large enterprises, but it plays a very significant role on small and medium-sized enterprises. Finally. This paper focuses on the mechanism of the financial externality of industrial agglomeration on the growth of enterprises, and regards bank mortgage loan and commercial credit as the important channels for industrial agglomeration to ease the financing constraints of enterprises. Based on the intermediary effect model and nested Heckman model, the results show that although the industrial agglomeration can significantly reduce the mortgage ratio of the agglomeration enterprise loans, increase the proportion of accounts payable. On the basis of this, the paper puts forward some relevant policy suggestions, and points out the shortcomings of the research and the future research direction.


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