

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-05 00:23

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:中國(guó)大豆產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈價(jià)格傳導(dǎo)機(jī)制研究 出處:《北京林業(yè)大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 國(guó)產(chǎn)大豆 價(jià)格傳導(dǎo) 趨勢(shì)分解 VAR模型 脈沖響應(yīng)分析

[Abstract]:Agriculture is the foundation of social production and natural economy. Agricultural production has a long period of time and space division between production and sales, so the price of agricultural products has a lag to its production regulation. As a result, agricultural production has the characteristics of volatility. The volatility of agricultural production will bring fluctuations in prices, agricultural product prices will significantly reduce the income of farmers and the enthusiasm of planting. In turn, it will change its production decisions and affect food security; However, the price of agricultural products will greatly increase, which will seriously affect the standard of living of the people and the stable development of social economy. Soybean has a unique position in the field of grain in our country. Since 2006, the number of domestic soybean has been fluctuating and showing a downward trend. And imports of soybeans rose from less than 30 million tons in 2006 to nearly 70 million tons in 2014. The price of soybean also showed a large fluctuation. In this study, the two aspects of domestic and import were specifically distinguished. Based on the price monitoring data of the Ministry of Agriculture, two viewpoints on the impact of the low price impact of imported soybean and the competitive crop price are verified in this paper. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) using seasonal adjustment and H-P filtering method to analyze the price fluctuation in soybean industry chain in China, and to decompose the trend of price change. (2) Granger causality test was used to analyze the key regions of soybean industry price leading in each trend, and to analyze the change of regional importance; (3) based on the conclusion of trend and dominant region, the VAR model was established, and the price conduction mechanism in soybean industry chain was analyzed by impulse response analysis and variance decomposition method. (4) based on the latest trend of domestic soybean price situation, the price fluctuation mechanism of domestic soybean vertical industrial chain is analyzed in detail. The main conclusion is: 1) Soybean support policy can effectively reduce the fluctuation of domestic soybean price; (2) the leading area of domestic soybean press industry changed from Heilongjiang to Liaoning, and the leading area of import soybean press industry changed from Jiangsu to Shandong. Heilongjiang is the leading region of domestic soybean pricing; Import soybean oil dominates the price of soybean oil industry. According to the change of demand in the recent trend period, the price of soybean squeezing industry chain changes from soybean meal to soybean oil. And domestic soybean is divorced from the pricing relationship of soybean crushing industry; 4) the edible demand of domestic soybean is much larger than the demand of squeezing, and the price conduction of food market is cost driven, showing obvious asymmetric conduction. Accordingly, the following suggestions are put forward: 1) strengthening the price monitoring of agricultural products. Timely guide production expectations; 2) timely organization of targeted means of market intervention; (3) to improve the scale and bargaining power of planting industry; 4) effectively distinguish different markets and solve the demand problems in different markets.


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