

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-04 06:22

  本文關鍵詞:消費升級背景下山西省工業(yè)與旅游產業(yè)融合發(fā)展研究 出處:《山西財經大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 消費升級 山西省 產業(yè)融合 工業(yè)旅游

[Abstract]:Under the new economic norm, consumption has become an important engine of economic growth, the upgrading of consumption has become the inevitable trend of the development of China's consumption. Consumption and upgrade the tourism supply side reform put forward urgent requirements, the integration of the tourism industry has become an important way to the consumer to upgrade the tourism industry under the background of supply side reform. As the industry leading industries in Shanxi Province, the urgent to accelerate the integration of the development of industry and tourism industry. Therefore, it is urgent to upgrade consumption in-depth development of Shanxi province industry and tourism industry under the background of integration. Firstly, based on the background in the upgrading of consumption, consumption upgrade and change based on the characteristics of tourism consumption, the consumption upgrade two aspects of the impact of industrial and tourism industry fusion including the pressure and the supporting force. Secondly, research on the theoretical basis of industrial upgrading of consumption, and the tourism industry under the background of integration from the power, too Cheng, three aspects of mechanism to construct the fusion mechanism of two major industries, and then analyzes the development of integration of industrial and tourism industry. Third, based on the analysis of industry of Shanxi province and the integration of the tourism industry development situation, using the method of input-output analysis of the extent of the industry and Tourism industry integration, the empirical conclusion is: the fusion of Shanxi province industry and tourism industry is not very ideal, although the industry dependence on tourism industry slightly stronger power to the tourism industry active fusion is relatively strong, but in fact the industrial development of the tourism industry on the supporting force is insufficient, resulting in not high degree of integration. The industry as a basic industry of economy of Shanxi Province, is still the steady development of the basic industries. Tourism industry sensitivity and influence are strong, therefore, should fusion boost industry and tourism industry development, extend the industrial chain, so as to bring Promote the development of other industries. And the low degree of integration of the analysis of the possible reasons for Shanxi province. Fourth, based on the current situation of industry and tourism industry integration mechanism and the integration of the two industries in Shanxi Province, summed up the upgrading of consumption under the background for the development of integration of industry of Shanxi province and tourism industry specific types of three modes, including sightseeing type, landscape type, cultural inheritance, shopping oriented industrial park, museum, creative type. Finally, puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the upgrading of consumption industry and tourism industry development in Shanxi Province under the background of the integration.



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