

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-04 05:21

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:鄢陵縣苗木產(chǎn)業(yè)體系發(fā)展研究 出處:《河南農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 鄢陵縣 花卉苗木產(chǎn)業(yè)體系 體系規(guī)劃

[Abstract]:Yanling County flower seedling industry to guide and promote the county government, create considerable economic benefits and ecological benefits, has become a pillar industry of the economic development of Yanling county. The special geographical position and history, to build the Yanling flower seedlings and the craftsmanship of illustrious reputation, especially since the new period of seedlings Yanling County flower industry has completed the initial planting scale, standardized production, operation and intensive industry integration, industry development tends to mature, has won the "China Huamuzhixiang", "national flower production demonstration base", "China wintersweet cultural village", "China flowers." honorary title. Further research in our country to carry out the premise of the transition of economic system, how to optimize and upgrade the existing Yanling County flower seedling industry system, can promote the industry better seedlings in Yanling county, Faster development. Based on the analysis of the related literature at home and abroad, made an on-the-spot investigation on the development situation of Yanling County flower seedling industry system. Adhering to the market demand, to the modern cultural facilities and scientific and technical support to the industrialization of leading enterprises to lead to the project as a carrier, aim to improve the sustainable competitiveness of products and market principles, this paper systematically expounds the development status of Yanling County nursery industry system, according to the current "gardening project" Yanling County, "Tourism Exhibition", "marketing logistics" there are three major system of flowers industry is relatively low, and the product structure is not optimized research and development of science and technology, ability needs to be improved, social service agencies are not perfect, and the extension of the industrial chain is not enough shortcomings, puts forward the corresponding improvement plan: "gardening project" system should be Heavy and optimization of product structure, expand the standardization of nursery stock production areas; improve the industrial chain; coordination between enterprises; strengthen the special cooperation, carry out personnel training; to intensify propaganda and protection of ancillary services. "The construction of tourism and Exhibition" system to perfect all kinds of garden boutique Chimonanthus; infrastructure construction; integration of tourism resources the depth of excavation; cultural characteristics; introducing talents; strengthen the management and services. The marketing logistics system should set up the related concept of marketing; security market research and customer service service; prepare product market positioning; extend the industrial chain; building e-commerce platform; building products; construction of Logistics Park. Then, analysis the interaction mechanism and the spatial layout of the three system after optimization. Finally, in view of the government department development of Yanling County flower seedling industry system function is not enough, put forward in the new period Shift the focus of government work: first, strengthen organizational leadership, improve social services; second, improve the relevant interests, improving the market environment; third, introducing talents, support science and technology support; fourth, the revised standards, the implementation of brand strategy; fifth, to broaden the financing channels, accelerate the pace of construction.



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