

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-04 03:22

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:蕪湖市現(xiàn)代物流產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展研究 出處:《安徽工程大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 現(xiàn)代物流產(chǎn)業(yè) 經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展 綜合評價 主成分分析 比較

[Abstract]:At present, as China's economy has entered a new norm, economic development has entered a period of transformation and upgrading, and the development of Internet information technology change rapidly and the electronic commerce which is like a raging fire, and constantly promote the development of the third industry. Modern logistics industry as a combination of traditional and emerging industries form, is an important part of the third industry, occupy in economic development the position has become increasingly prominent. The modern logistics industry to enhance the efficiency to promote regional economy healthy, rapid and sustainable development, but also can effectively promote the region industrial structure equilibrium and benign development. Therefore, the modern logistics industry has attracted wide attention of different groups, different industries, in promoting economic development has also been high hopes. In recent years, the national, provincial and municipal level to develop logistics industry development strategy and the corresponding implementation of the policy of Wuhu City, modern The abortion industry currently has achieved good development. Based on the theory of industry economy, the theory of regional economic growth and the development of the logistics industry theory, using a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, normative analysis and empirical analysis method, analysis of current situation of Wuhu modern logistics industry. In the theoretical framework under the guidance of through the construction, the level of development of modern logistics industry evaluation index system, the level of development of modern logistics industry comprehensive evaluation and measure of Wuhu city. At the same time selected a sample of five city as a comparison object, comprehensive and objective comparative analysis of Wuhu modern logistics industry development level and sample City, and from the comparative analysis about the problems, find out the gap is the general idea of Wuhu city to determine the development of modern logistics industry, and provide reference for policy making. First of all, the paper from the research results of the Hair, defines the concept of the modern logistics industry, expounds the relevant economic theory and modern logistics theory, the regional advantages, development status of three aspects of external environment and the various indicators of the modern logistics industry in Wuhu city were analyzed. Secondly, the construction of modern logistics industry development level evaluation index system, determine the selection of research methods the construction of the index to collect the corresponding data and summary based on the 2005-2015 data of Wuhu city using principal component analysis method, empirical analysis, fully understand the Wuhu modern logistics industry development level, to explore the internal index, the development of the logistics industry and the level of economic development, analyzes the interactive mechanism of the development of modern logistics economy industry and area. Thirdly, taking Hefei, Anqing, Nanjing, Wuhu City, Wuxi as a comparison object and five in Nantong City, using principal component analysis The empirical analysis method to evaluate the development level of five samples of the city of the modern logistics industry, and from the comprehensive score, each factor score and internal index were multi-dimensional analysis, the indicators to better grasp the internal mechanism, the development of modern logistics industry and the level of regional economic development. The comprehensive evaluation results show that: one is whole, the level of development of modern logistics industry in Wuhu city has made considerable development in the construction of logistics infrastructure, the scale of the logistics industry, the logistics industry development of the internal and external environment has made remarkable progress; two is the sample city and contrast analysis, there are some problems, the development of modern logistics industry in Wuhu city in Wuhu city logistics infrastructure bottlenecks are still outstanding, Wuhu city logistics park planning lags behind the development of logistics enterprises, small scale and low level service logistics information level is low Logistics, platform sharing strength, lack of professional talents of logistics, logistics industry policy is not perfect and so on. Finally, put forward the development path and policy suggestions of modern logistics industry in Wuhu city showed that the papers, to continue to strengthen the logistics infrastructure construction, build efficient logistics information sharing platform, to speed up the cultivation of talents, improve the quality of logistics personnel to strengthen planning guidance, the logistics industry, enhance the level of development of modern logistics industry in Wuhu city to strengthen policy support and promote the key areas of focus on the development of modern logistics industry, modern logistics industry, improve the extensive operation and management, improve the degree of intensive production and circulation, promoting regional economic structure adjustment and optimization of industrial structure indirectly the boosting economic development of Wuhu City, to add new impetus.



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