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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-28 22:59

  本文選題:新業(yè)態(tài) + 景德鎮(zhèn); 參考:《江西財經(jīng)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With China's economy entering the new normal, the Internet, tourism and other new industries, new forms of business, new patterns of rapid rise, formed a number of new economy, for the economic and social development into a new momentum. At present, while deepening supply-side structural reform, governments at all levels are taking the initiative to seize the new economy as a new position and engine of development. Jingdezhen has the historical accumulation and strong strength of "the world's porcelain capital", "China landmarks", "open window", "porcelain art holy land", and was named "China's most attractive cultural tourism city" in 2016. The development of ceramic culture and creativity this special, differentiated, boutique tourism new model has the world's advantages. However, due to the lack of innovation consciousness in recent years, the lagging of urban infrastructure, the unobstructed tourism operation system, the unclear creative tourism subject of ceramic elements, the exhaustion of resources and the fierce market competition, the grade of urban construction has been affected to a certain extent. Restricted the economic and social development, worth the government public administration service personnel ponder to solve. Under the background of new industry, this paper focuses on the overall goal of Jingdezhen to build a famous tourist city and build a city with dialogue with the world, and comprehensively collects the ceramic culture and creative tourism resources of Jingdezhen, and through comprehensive analysis, The present situation and short board of ceramic culture tourism development in Jingdezhen are summarized, and the necessity and feasibility of developing ceramic culture creative tourism are discussed. Finally, according to the new business pattern of ceramic culture and creativity, tourism as the main line, and the general idea of the development of the new mode, the goal of building a famous international tourism city with a hundred billion output value is clearly defined, and the goal of building a famous international tourism city is clearly defined, and the goal of building a famous international tourism city is clearly defined. The development principle of internationalization, to construct the space layout of the "three cores" porcelain art life tourism city with Tao Yang Li, Tao Xi Chuan and Taoyuan Valley, and put forward the creation of four creative quality projects, six big creative special zones and the design of tourism falling line. Marketing omni-directional packaging to create a plan, and by vigorously exerting government functions, vitalizing the pottery culture and creative tourism resources, strengthening the construction of public service system, let Jingdezhen lead the mass tourism era with the style of return of the king. Let guests and friends share the world's pinnacle of ceramic culture and art feast, so that generations of people living in Jingdezhen more happiness.


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