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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-27 14:40

  本文選題:曹妃甸 + 濕地旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)。 參考:《河北工業(yè)大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:濕地(wetland)是地球上水陸相互作用形成的獨(dú)特生態(tài)系統(tǒng),是人類最重要的生存環(huán)境之一,被稱為“地球的腎”、“天然水庫(kù)”和“天然物種庫(kù)”。濕地不僅具有維持生物多樣性、涵養(yǎng)水源、調(diào)節(jié)氣候等生態(tài)功能,,還能為人類生存提供水資源、食物資源、藥品資源、能源資源和礦產(chǎn)等多種資源。濕地豐富的動(dòng)植物和微生物資源以及獨(dú)特的自然景觀使之成為了開展科普教育研究和生態(tài)旅游的重要領(lǐng)域。 曹妃甸濕地旅游資源豐富,歷史悠久,但是伴隨著種養(yǎng)殖業(yè)和曹妃甸工業(yè)區(qū)的開發(fā)建設(shè)和當(dāng)?shù)匕傩彰つ孔非筠r(nóng)業(yè)回報(bào)效益,濕地旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)開發(fā)基本處于無序、無度、不可逆的狀態(tài),存在諸多生態(tài)破壞、生物種群破壞、濕地面積萎縮、水體污染、外來物種侵害等問題。如何有效維護(hù)好濕地這一寶貴的生態(tài)旅游資源,實(shí)現(xiàn)曹妃甸濕地的生態(tài)可持續(xù)發(fā)展無疑給曹妃甸提出了更高的要求,也是曹妃甸濕地旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展所面臨的一大難題。 本文的研究目的是力求找到曹妃甸濕地開發(fā)利用和生態(tài)保護(hù)的問題所在,通過對(duì)問題現(xiàn)狀的深入研究剖析,找到一條適合曹妃甸濕地資源科學(xué)、有序、生態(tài)、循環(huán)開發(fā)利用的路徑,從而更好的提高濕地旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)對(duì)區(qū)域經(jīng)濟(jì)的貢獻(xiàn)率。文章共分五個(gè)章節(jié),第一章緒論,主要從研究背景及意義、國(guó)內(nèi)外研究綜述、研究思路、方法和特色等方面進(jìn)行了論述。第二章主要是對(duì)曹妃甸濕地旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀及濕地旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)目前存在的問題進(jìn)行了分析。第三章主要是運(yùn)用SWOT分析模型對(duì)曹妃甸濕地旅游資源的外部環(huán)境、優(yōu)勢(shì)和劣勢(shì)、機(jī)會(huì)和威脅等方面進(jìn)行了分析。第四章曹妃甸濕地旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展的原則與思路,主要從曹妃甸濕地旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)開發(fā)的基本原則、曹妃甸濕地旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)的市場(chǎng)細(xì)化分析、曹妃甸濕地旅游產(chǎn)品目標(biāo)定位和主題設(shè)計(jì)等方面進(jìn)行論述。第五章是曹妃甸濕地旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展的戰(zhàn)略。主要從曹妃甸濕地旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)規(guī)劃目標(biāo)、產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略、形象宣傳口號(hào)戰(zhàn)略、產(chǎn)品體系戰(zhàn)略、分區(qū)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略、服務(wù)設(shè)施配套戰(zhàn)略和營(yíng)銷推廣等方面進(jìn)行論述。通過對(duì)曹妃甸濕地旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)全面詳細(xì)的分析論述,使曹妃甸濕地旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)能夠陽(yáng)光、生態(tài)、可持續(xù)的發(fā)展。
[Abstract]:Wetland (wetland) is a unique ecosystem formed by the interaction between water and land on the earth. It is one of the most important living environment of human being. It is called "kidney of the earth", "natural reservoir" and "natural species bank". Wetland not only has the ecological functions of maintaining biodiversity, conserving water sources and regulating climate, but also provides water resources, food resources, medicine resources, energy resources and mineral resources for human survival. Wetland is rich in animal, plant and microbial resources and unique natural landscape, which has become an important field of popular science education and ecotourism. Caofeidian wetland tourism resources are rich and have a long history. However, with the development and construction of breeding industry and Caofeidian industrial zone and the blind pursuit of agricultural returns by local people, the wetland tourism industry development is basically in disorder and endless. There are many problems in irreversible state, such as ecological destruction, biological population destruction, wetland area shrinking, water pollution, alien species invasion and so on. How to effectively maintain the wetland as a valuable ecotourism resource and realize the ecological sustainable development of Caofeidian wetland undoubtedly put forward higher requirements for Caofeidian wetland tourism industry development is also a major problem faced by Caofeidian wetland. The purpose of this paper is to find out the problems in the exploitation, utilization and ecological protection of Caofeidian wetland, and find a suitable wetland resource for Caofeidian, which is scientific, orderly and ecological. In order to improve the contribution rate of wetland tourism industry to regional economy. The article is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is introduction, mainly from the research background and significance, domestic and foreign research review, research ideas, methods and characteristics. The second chapter mainly analyzes the present situation of Caofeidian wetland tourism industry and the existing problems of the wetland tourism industry. The third chapter mainly analyzes the external environment, advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats of Caofeidian wetland tourism resources by using SWOT analysis model. Chapter IV: the principles and ideas of the development of Caofeidian wetland tourism industry, mainly from the basic principles of Caofeidian wetland tourism industry development, Caofeidian wetland tourism industry market detailed analysis. Caofeidian wetland tourism product target orientation and theme design were discussed. The fifth chapter is the development strategy of Caofeidian wetland tourism industry. This paper mainly discusses the tourism industry planning goal, industry development strategy, image propaganda slogan strategy, product system strategy, district development strategy, service facilities supporting strategy and marketing promotion of Caofeidian wetland tourism industry. Through the comprehensive and detailed analysis of Caofeidian wetland tourism industry, the tourism industry of Caofeidian wetland can be developed in sunshine, ecology and sustainable.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前9條

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2 孫法德,王勇,石義強(qiáng),尹喜霖,鄭春曉;黑龍江省的濕地保護(hù)與開發(fā)利用[J];國(guó)土與自然資源研究;2004年01期

3 項(xiàng)桂娥,王凱峰;升金湖濕地資源保護(hù)和可持續(xù)利用研究[J];國(guó)土與自然資源研究;2005年01期

4 鄒樹梅,杜江;開拓天津古海岸與濕地國(guó)家級(jí)自然保護(hù)區(qū)生態(tài)旅游[J];環(huán)渤海經(jīng)濟(jì)w




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