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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-27 07:28

  本文選題:中泰旅游服務(wù)貿(mào)易 + 旅游服務(wù)貿(mào)易。 參考:《浙江大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the development of the world economy and society, trade is not only between goods, because the third industry trade has become more common and its share of contribution has increased. At present, with the development of the global economy, the trade in tourism services is also increasing, and the number of tourists is also increasing. Therefore, tourism has become an important service industry and an important source of income for various countries. With regard to the development of bilateral tourism service trade between China and Thailand, especially the increasing number of Chinese tourists entering Thailand in recent years, it has brought Thailand a lot of income and has had a great impact on Thailand's economic development. And also greatly promoted the cultural exchanges between China and Thailand, including economic and trade exchanges and development. Therefore, tourism service trade has become one of the most important factors in the development of service economy in China and Thailand. In this paper, the research object is the current situation of tourism service trade between China and Thailand, which is divided into four parts: the first part is to analyze the current situation and existing problems of Sino-Thai tourism service trade through literature analysis. Then the qualitative analysis method is used to describe the research results. The second part is to analyze the Belt and Road strategy and analyze the opportunities of Sino-Thai tourism service trade cooperation. The third part analyzes the international competitiveness of Sino-Thai tourism service trade by using four indexes, I. e., IMSX TCCACA, which are often used to measure international competitiveness. The fourth part combines the content of this paper and puts forward the research conclusions. And put forward the corresponding suggestion to China and Thailand tourism service trade. On the development of Sino-Thai tourism service trade, this paper draws a conclusion that tourism service trade is not only the most important part of Thailand's service trade, but also the most important part of China's service trade, and is helpful to promote the economic development of the two countries. Secondly, from the point of view of import and export, there is a trade deficit in China's tourism services trade, while Thailand has a surplus, which indicates that Thailand's tourism service trade has a stronger international competitiveness than China's. Although China's market share is higher than that of Thailand, it does not mean that China's level of international competitiveness in tourism service trade is higher than that of Thailand's. China is a big tourist country in the world, but it is not a tourist power. In addition, the Belt and Road strategy proposed by Chairman Xi Jinping will bring new opportunities and greater tourism openness to the development of Sino-Thai tourism service trade, and will promote regional cooperation between the two countries. The research content of this thesis not only makes us understand the development of Sino-Thai tourism service industry from the perspective of trade, but also has some reference significance for how to develop Sino-Thai tourism service trade in the long run.


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