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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-17 00:15
【摘要】:傳統設計方法存在設計冗余、原料浪費、對環(huán)境不友好、成本高及設計周期長等特點,不能滿足用戶對于產品低消費多樣化、企業(yè)對于產品低成本高收益的要求。因此,有必要對現有設計方法進行創(chuàng)新,整改。本文以公理設計及設計結構矩陣為理論依據,提出一種面向可適應性的產品族配置方法,并對其進行應用研究,以期帶給客戶最佳產品體驗,滿足市場需求。主要研究內容如下: 1)利用公理設計理論對產品進行了結構功能分解;構建了產品設計矩陣,將設計參數與功能需求轉換,規(guī)劃了設計結構矩陣;通過分析各參數的關系,構造了產品設計關聯矩陣;同時,介紹了產品可拓聚類分析。最后以滑板輸送機為例對其結構功能參數進行分解映射,構建了其設計結構矩陣。 2)基于差異度分析的可調節(jié)變量產品平臺規(guī)劃。以公理設計與設計結構矩陣為理論依據,分析了客戶需求,并提取產品特征參數,構造了產品設計關聯矩陣;通過對產品參數的差異度計算和聚類分析,確定了產品平臺參數,識別公共平臺變量及可調節(jié)變量,提出了基于差異度分析的可調節(jié)變量產品平臺規(guī)劃方法;最后以電力液壓塊式制動器為例進行方法驗證,驗證其可行性。 3)研究面向可適應性的參數化產品平臺設計。通過市場分析,用戶需求調研,確定了產品各結構參數,利用SolidWorks對產品進行了參數化建模,,通過優(yōu)先數原則選取設計參數,確定了各設計參數的數值,并對這些數值進行了分析,確定了其主參數,從動參數,最終確定參數化產品平臺。并以橋式起重機車輪組為例,研究面向可適應性的參數化產品平臺配置方法的應用。 4)在構建了基于差異度分析和面向可適應性的參數化產品平臺之后,提出了一種基于可適應性產品平臺的產品族配置方法。首先介紹可適應產品平臺,然后以用戶需求為切入點,確定了個性化及公共參數,對產品設計參數進行了敏感性分析,并構造了設計關聯矩陣,識別出可適應產品平臺參數,實現了基于可適應產品平臺的產品族配置。并以橋式起重機小車為例對其進行了設計驗證。 研究結果表明:通過實例分析,面向可適應性的產品族配置方法的可行性得到了很好驗證,同時,該設計方法還可以推廣到其他產品的設計開發(fā)中;上述設計方法的應用可以滿足客戶對產品多樣化的需求,有助于企業(yè)降低設計成本、減少資源浪費和控制環(huán)境污染。
[Abstract]:The traditional design methods are characterized by design redundancy, waste of raw materials, unfriendly environment, high cost and long design cycle, which can not meet the requirements of customers for low consumption diversification and enterprises for low cost and high income. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate and correct the existing design methods. Based on axiomatic design and design structure matrix, an adaptive product family configuration method is proposed in this paper, and its application is studied in order to bring customers the best product experience and meet the needs of the market. The main research contents are as follows: 1) the structure and function decomposition of the product is carried out by using axiomatic design theory, the product design matrix is constructed, and the design structure matrix is planned by transforming the design parameters and function requirements. The product design correlation matrix is constructed by analyzing the relation of each parameter, and the product extension cluster analysis is introduced. Finally, the structure and function parameters of slide conveyor are decomposed and mapped, and the design structure matrix is constructed. 2) Product platform planning with adjustable variables based on difference analysis. Based on the axiomatic design and design structure matrix, the customer demand is analyzed, and the product characteristic parameters are extracted, and the product design correlation matrix is constructed. Through the difference degree calculation and clustering analysis of product parameters, the product platform parameters are determined, the common platform variables and adjustable variables are identified, and the product platform planning method based on the difference analysis is put forward. Finally, the feasibility of the hydraulic block brake is verified by using the method as an example. 3) the design of adaptive parameterized product platform is studied. Through the market analysis, the user demand investigation, determined the product each structure parameter, used SolidWorks to carry on the parameterized modeling to the product, selected the design parameter through the priority number principle, determined each design parameter value, The main parameters and follower parameters are determined and the parameterized product platform is finally determined. Taking the wheel set of bridge crane as an example, the application of adaptive parameterized product platform configuration method is studied. 4) after constructing a parameterized product platform based on difference analysis and adaptability oriented, a product family configuration method based on adaptive product platform is proposed. Firstly, the adaptive product platform is introduced, and then the personalization and common parameters are determined, the sensitivity analysis of the product design parameters is made, and the design correlation matrix is constructed to identify the adaptable product platform parameters. The product family configuration based on adaptive product platform is realized. The bridge crane trolley is taken as an example to verify its design. The results show that the feasibility of the adaptive product family configuration method is well verified by the example analysis, and the design method can also be extended to other product design and development. The application of the above design method can meet the diversified demands of customers and help enterprises reduce the design cost, reduce the waste of resources and control environmental pollution.


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