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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-13 01:24
[Abstract]:With the continuous progress and development of society, energy shortage is becoming the focus of attention. How to save energy has become a social problem that needs to be solved. The operation of aircraft, automobile, ship and so on all need to consume a great deal of energy, so it becomes an effective energy saving means to reduce the surface friction resistance of all kinds of transportation tools by reasonable design. The application of bionics to the field of drag reduction has been a hot topic at home and abroad recently. A new bionic drag reduction form, bionic jet drag reduction, is proposed, which mimics the behavior of shark Gill jet. On this basis, the bionic jet model was established, and the influence of the shape and size of the bionic jet hole on the drag reduction effect was studied. Based on the research of shark archetype, the bionic jet model of shark Gill is established by reasonably simplifying the biological prototype of shark Gill. Taking the single hole flat jet as the research object, the model was meshed reasonably and meticulously by using GAMBIT software, and the model was simulated numerically by FLUENT. On the basis of reasonable selection of turbulence model, initial conditions and boundary conditions, more accurate numerical results are obtained. Furthermore, the effects of rectangular jet holes with different length and width, optimized jet holes with improved shape and circular curved jet holes with different curvature on drag reduction are analyzed and compared. The influence of shape and size factors on drag reduction effect and the size shape of jet hole with the best drag reduction effect are obtained, and the drag reduction mechanism is analyzed. Under different flow field conditions, the drag reduction mechanism of various jet holes with different shape and size is analyzed and compared, and the drag reduction mechanism of various jet holes in different mainstream field and jet velocity is analyzed. The evaluation standard of energy saving characteristics of jet system is established, and the energy saving characteristics of typical bionic model are analyzed from the point of view of total energy consumption of the system. Finally, based on some representative jet holes, the experimental samples are manufactured, and the experimental results are verified by a small drag reduction test device, and the error between the numerical simulation data and the experimental data is analyzed and compared.


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