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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-12 01:15

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:逆向工程中基于特征提取的建模技術(shù)研究 出處:《廣東工業(yè)大學》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 逆向建模 曲面特征 實體特征 模型重構(gòu) Geomagic Design Direct

[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology and economy towards globalization, reverse engineering is a design method that absorbs advanced design ideas. Physical reverse engineering technology focuses on reconstructing the CAD model of products, while CAD model is modern product development, manufacturing and production. Therefore, reverse engineering based on products is not only an important design method in aerospace and automobile industries, but also in the protection of cultural relics. The main purpose of reverse engineering technology based on products is to reconstruct accurate and effective CAD model, that is, reverse modeling technology is the core of it. At present, the main purpose of reverse engineering technology is to obtain accurate and effective CAD model. According to the difference of feature extraction and final modeling result in the process of reconstructing CAD model, reverse modeling technology can be divided into two kinds: reverse modeling method based on surface reconstruction. The reverse modeling method based on surface reconstruction is a relatively early reverse modeling method, and the CAD model reconstructed by this method is a surface model. Based on the reconstructed CAD model, the simulation analysis of the redesigned CAD structure is limited, and the method reconstructs the CAD model by extracting the surface features. The geometric shape of mechanical parts can not accurately reflect some geometric characteristics and their mutual constraints. Therefore, this paper aims at modeling defects in the reverse modeling method based on surface reconstruction. In this paper, the research focus of the reverse modeling method, the reverse modeling method based on entity reconstruction, is mainly studied and introduced. The method can be identified from the triangular mesh model obtained from the preprocessing of the original measurement data. And extract the entity features. Or identify and extract the relevant elements of entity features and then use forward modeling method to restore entity features. In addition, the extracted entity features are modified by parameterized editing. The geometric parameters of features and the constraint relations between features can be precisely defined. In this paper, a reverse modeling method for incomplete data is proposed by using the feature recognition and extraction function in the method of entity reverse modeling. Taking the incomplete triangular mesh model of a mechanical part as an example, the entity model is reconstructed. The modeling process and characteristics of this method are introduced and verified. Another part of this paper is aimed at the complex mechanical parts in aerospace industry. A hybrid reverse modeling method based on surface and entity feature extraction is proposed, which can not be used to reconstruct the accurate and effective CAD model with a single reverse modeling method. A useful attempt has been made in reconstructing the CAD model of complex industrial products with different reverse modeling software platforms.


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