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  本文關(guān)鍵詞:面向移動(dòng)端語(yǔ)音實(shí)時(shí)翻譯產(chǎn)品的“情境時(shí)間軸”研究 出處:《湖南大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 移動(dòng)端 語(yǔ)音實(shí)時(shí)翻譯 “情境時(shí)間軸” 設(shè)計(jì)方法 人機(jī)交互設(shè)計(jì)

[Abstract]:At the same time of increasing social communication and cultural integration, language barriers have become an important challenge for people from different mother tongue backgrounds in cross-language dialogue. Mobile voice real-time translation is considered to be a low-cost alternative to high-cost manual interpretation. The research in the field of design is still in its infancy, but with the progress of science and technology, the related technical research will eventually mature. The purpose of this paper is to put forward the design model of this kind of product from the field of design, so as to support the interactive design of this kind of product effectively. The purpose of this paper is to improve the design method of mobile voice real-time translation product. In order to construct the "situational time axis" design model for this kind of product step by step. Firstly, the author analyzes the existing human-computer interaction mode of this kind of product, obtains its dialogue essence, and draws lessons from the situational and temporal characteristics of the dialogue. Through the extraction experiment of the elements of "situational time axis", the high frequency usage situation, time unit and time node are extracted. User interaction behavior and the five components of product operation feedback. Then the five components of the model are stratified by using the activity theory. According to the interactive design between mobile voice real-time translation products and general Internet products, this paper helps to construct the model framework of "situational time axis" and through the "situational time axis" model construction experiment. Three "situational time-axis" model types are obtained by card sorting, and the design needs to meet the objectives in the situation. The final "situational time axis" model is constructed, and then the characteristics and functions of the "situational time axis" model are explained. Finally combined with Microsoft St project mobile voice real-time translation product design case. Verify the feasibility of the "situational time axis". The innovation and characteristics of this paper are reflected in: first, through the "situational time axis" elements extraction experiment. The design elements of mobile speech real-time translation products are extracted by expert focus group as "situational time axis" elements. Secondly, experiments are constructed based on the "situational time axis" model. Three models of "situational time axis" are obtained by card classification. Finally, the characteristics, functions and application points of "situational time axis" are explained. It is convenient for designers to use the model in the actual product development.


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