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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-07 17:29

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:基于使用性的老人助行產(chǎn)品可持續(xù)設(shè)計(jì)研究 出處:《廣東工業(yè)大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 可持續(xù)設(shè)計(jì) 使用性 老人 助行產(chǎn)品

[Abstract]:With the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, the product market in the product category is numerous and increasingly frequent changes, which will deepen many unsustainable problems in intangible, such as waste of resources, ecological pollution, equality and difference. In the product design environment from the end of the last century in the emphasis on appearance, emphasize the changing shape, almost replaced the innovation of science and technology and design thinking. This long sustainable design is continuously erode the market of our products. As a kind of sustainable design emphasizes ecological quality and social welfare, design method, through a series of innovation strategy and design principles to promote the social and economic environment, three party coordination, dynamic development in twenty-first Century, "the concept of product design guide become stale" achieve the transformation of a breakthrough. As the elderly vulnerable groups in need of social care, although in daily life Can we get the social morality and national policy to take care of, but in fact, the old man in the market and get no respect. On the market mostly elderly product function and structure of the same, to the needs of both the lack of innovation and ignore the elderly. The product design is not only the lack of the elderly as the core, and there are many old products to shoddy products gimmick, their quality is uneven, to attract buyers to packaging and copy, but useless. This lack of standardized management of the elderly market will not only hinder the progress of society, but also to the future aging society the potential social contradictions. The elderly Physiological product market the difficulties for the elderly lower limb concerns still remain in the product line with the help of the solution stage, this kind of products tend to help the disabled products as the prototype, or even directly used to help the elderly For the purpose of this research is through the theories and design practice that sustainable design strategies to use as the core, so as to maximize the improvement needed to help the elderly for the use of the product quality, extend the life cycle. The whole design process this paper use, demand characteristics and physiological characteristics analysis of the elderly to help product line the use of the principle of design. To help the elderly for product design practice, help the elderly line verification the usability design method is feasible. Finally, through in-depth understanding of the special subject the old habits and help for the characteristics of the product, designed to meet the needs of the elderly for with the help of the product, give them maximum daily needs meet the proposed design principles. In the theoretical study, attempts to provide a design method for the old product design in the future. Through the design practice There is a high quality of the elderly support products, for the design of the elderly products in China to carry out the design of the first design exploration.



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