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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-06 19:37

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:空調(diào)室外機振動噪聲的傳遞路徑研究 出處:《昆明理工大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 空調(diào)室外機噪聲 傳遞路徑分析 結(jié)構(gòu)噪聲 工作載荷

[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of the living standards of the people, the air conditioning appliances gradually become indispensable in people's daily life, in the life of the increasingly important status. In response to low noise, small vibration amplitude, is to determine the comfort of home air conditioners, an important reference index for the quality of the quality. In this paper, the air conditioner outdoor unit as the research object, analysis the method of transfer path, and establish the outdoor machine transfer path analysis model, combined with the characteristics of vibration and noise experiment of outdoor unit of air conditioner are analyzed. The author first introduces the theory of transfer path analysis method, and method based on the transfer function of the system vibration and noise reduction. Analysis of the mechanism of vibration and noise of the air conditioner outdoor the machine according to the actual situation, the transfer path of building air conditioning analysis model, the paper analyzes the structure of sound transmission path and detailed introduced. To obtain the transfer function method, and explains the main points and pay attention to each step. In a semi anechoic room, transmission path of vibration and noise of the outdoor unit of air conditioner test analysis. Firstly, the noise characteristics of the air conditioner outdoor unit indicating the target point and the research results show that the main noise frequency of outdoor unit of air conditioner in the following 1000Hz, where 300Hz-360Hz is the main band. The transfer function of each path by hammering method for outdoor unit of air conditioner, and under the condition of transfer paths of support points subjected to loads, at a target point will be the noise spectrum and the actual spectrum measurement were compared, found the vibration and noise of the outdoor machine is mainly caused by the sound transmission path. Under different conditions, each of the air conditioner outdoor unit work load transfer path analysis, combined with the air conditioning of the transmission path. The transfer function, the results show that the compressor condition of 30Hz, contribution of vertical compressor at the lower right of the horizontal position of the rear support and support position at the lower right after the compressor is the largest compressor; condition of 60Hz, the amount of contribution to support the vertical support position and the horizontal position of the lower part of the left front compressor compressor at the lower right of the is the largest compressor; condition of 80Hz, the amount of contribution to support the vertical direction and horizontal direction of the compressor supporting right at the lower right after the compressor is the biggest.



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