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發(fā)布時間:2019-07-31 18:12
【摘要】:目的:比較遠(yuǎn)道巨刺結(jié)合局部針刺與單純局部針刺治療輕、中度腕管綜合征的臨床療效差異。方法:將60例輕、中度腕管綜合征患者按隨機(jī)數(shù)字表分為觀察組與對照組,每組30例。兩組針刺同取患側(cè)勞宮、大陵、內(nèi)關(guān)、魚際、合谷;觀察組先刺對側(cè)太沖、中封,行提插瀉法,再取患側(cè)所選穴位;對照組僅針刺患側(cè)所選穴位,兩組患側(cè)穴位均施平補(bǔ)平瀉手法,每日治療1次,每次30min,10d為一療程,3個療程后行療效評價。觀察兩組治療前后正中神經(jīng)的神經(jīng)電生理改變、Levine腕管綜合征問卷調(diào)查表及腕關(guān)節(jié)患者評估量表(patient-rated wrist evaluation,PRWE)評分變化并評價療效。結(jié)果:觀察組總有效率為90.0%(27/30),優(yōu)于對照組的70.0%(21/30,P0.05);兩組治療后正中神經(jīng)感覺傳導(dǎo)速度和波幅均增高,差異有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(均P0.05),且觀察組較對照組增高明顯(均P0.05);兩組治療后癥狀嚴(yán)重程度(SSS)評分和功能狀態(tài)(FSS)評分均明顯下降(均P0.05),且觀察組治療后SSS、FSS評分明顯低于對照組(均P0.05);兩組治療后PRWE評分較治療前明顯降低(均P0.05),且觀察組治療后低于對照組(P0.05)。結(jié)論:遠(yuǎn)道巨刺結(jié)合局部針刺治療輕、中度腕管綜合征療效確切,明顯優(yōu)于常規(guī)局部針刺。
[Abstract]:Objective: to compare the clinical efficacy of distal giant acupuncture combined with local acupuncture and simple local acupuncture in the treatment of mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome. Methods: sixty patients with mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome were randomly divided into observation group (n = 30) and control group (n = 30). The two groups were treated with acupuncture at the same time as Laogong, Daling, Neiguan, Interfish and Hegu on the affected side; in the observation group, Taichong, Zhongfeng, lifting and inserting diarrhea were carried out on the opposite side, and then the acupoints on the affected side were taken; the control group only acupuncture the acupoints selected on the affected side, and the acupoints on the affected side were treated once a day for 30 minutes, each time for 10 days as a course of treatment, and the curative effect was evaluated after 3 courses of treatment. The neuroelectrophysiological changes of median nerve, Levine carpal tunnel syndrome questionnaire and wrist joint assessment scale (patient-rated wrist evaluation,PRWE) were observed before and after treatment in the two groups, and the curative effect was evaluated. Results: the total effective rate of the observation group was 90.0% (27 鈮,




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