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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-23 21:28
【摘要】:英文摘要是每一篇學(xué)位論文的重要組成部分,作為英語的二語學(xué)習(xí)者,寫好英語摘要是中國學(xué)生在學(xué)位論文寫作中最關(guān)心的問題之一。同時作為一種規(guī)范的寫作文體,學(xué)術(shù)論文摘要有著獨特的文體特征,也是近幾年來語言研究的一個熱門。本文從中國學(xué)生和英語母語國家的學(xué)生博碩論文摘要的文體特征作為切入點,使用語料庫工具對由這兩個對照體的文本所建成的語料庫進行系統(tǒng)的分析,旨在找到二者學(xué)術(shù)論文摘要寫作中體現(xiàn)出的文體差異所在。 基于學(xué)術(shù)論文摘要作者的個體差異和學(xué)科之間的差異,本文從CNKI和ProQuest各選取了100篇論文摘要,這200篇論文摘要都涉及語言、藝術(shù)、歷史、政治、文學(xué)、經(jīng)濟學(xué)等人文學(xué)科,也包括了醫(yī)學(xué)、物理、化學(xué)、生物、建筑等理工類學(xué)科,以便使觀察能更為全面和客觀;谝陨险Z料,,用語料庫工具AntConc提取索引行,從語料庫語言學(xué)的角度從詞匯、語義、句法和篇章四個層面對文本進行綜合的定性和定量相結(jié)合的文體分析。 通過對比分析,中國博碩論文摘要與英美國家的大學(xué)博碩論文摘要文體特征有著不小差異,這些差異集中表現(xiàn)在:詞匯層面上,中國博碩論文摘要的詞匯豐富程度要遠(yuǎn)低于后者,主要體現(xiàn)在類符形符比和詞匯密度這兩方面;在語義層面上主要對比考察了二者人稱代詞的使用,前者在涉及自指時在第一人稱代詞的使用上,極少使用第一人稱單數(shù)“I”,而是通常會用第一人稱的復(fù)數(shù)“we”自指,而后者正好相反;在句法層面上,主要考察了并列連詞與主從連詞,從中窺得前者相較于后者更傾向于使用簡單句;在篇章層面上的考察主要是考察篇章的銜接詞在這兩者中的比例,前者篇章銜接詞的使用要高于后者。 使用語料庫工具對文本進行系統(tǒng)的全面的分析,所得數(shù)據(jù)的客觀性可以有效避免主觀因素的干擾,對學(xué)術(shù)論文摘要的文體特征研究以及中國學(xué)生學(xué)位論文摘要的寫作有一定的參考價值。
[Abstract]:English abstract is an important part of every thesis. As a second language learner, writing English abstract is one of the most important issues for Chinese students. As a standard writing style, abstract of academic papers has unique stylistic features and has been a hot topic in language research in recent years. Based on the stylistic features of the abstracts of Chinese students and native English-speaking students, this paper makes a systematic analysis of the corpus constructed from the texts of the two contrasts by using a corpus tool. The purpose of this paper is to find out the stylistic differences in the abstract writing of academic papers. Based on the individual differences of the authors of the abstracts of academic papers and the differences between disciplines, this paper selects one hundred abstracts from CNKI and one from ProQuest, all of which cover the humanities such as language, art, history, politics, literature, economics and so on. Medical, physical, chemical, biological, architectural and other subjects of science and engineering are also included in order to make observation more comprehensive and objective. Based on the above data, the index line is extracted by using the corpus tool AntConc, and a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative stylistic analysis of the text is carried out from the perspective of corpus linguistics from the lexical, semantic, syntactic and textual levels. Through comparative analysis, the stylistic features of the abstracts in Chinese and British universities are quite different from those in the United States and the United States. These differences are mainly manifested at the lexical level. The lexical richness of the abstract of Chinese Boshuo paper is much lower than that of the latter, which is mainly reflected in the two aspects of the synonym / character ratio and the lexical density, while in the semantic level, the use of personal pronouns between them is mainly investigated. The former rarely uses the first person singular "I" when it comes to self-referencing, but usually uses the plural "we" of the first person, whereas the latter is the opposite; at the syntactic level, This paper mainly studies the parallel conjunctions and the subject-slave conjunctions, and finds out that the former is more inclined to use simple sentences than the latter, and the textual level is mainly to examine the proportion of cohesive words in the text. The former uses more cohesive words than the latter. Using corpus tools to analyze the text systematically and comprehensively, the objectivity of the resulting data can effectively avoid the interference of subjective factors. The research on the stylistic features of the abstracts of academic papers and the writing of abstracts of academic theses by Chinese students are of certain reference value.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前5條

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4 黃立波;;基于雙語平行語料庫的翻譯文體學(xué)探討——以《駱駝祥子》兩個英譯本中人稱代詞主語和敘事視角轉(zhuǎn)換為例[J];中國外語;2011年06期

5 David L. Hoover;;Some Approaches to Corpus Stylistics[J];外國語(上海外國語大學(xué)學(xué)報);2010年02期




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