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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-02 08:15
[Abstract]:Deep-water sedimentary sandstone reservoir is one of the key fields of global oil and gas exploration in recent years. Whether the reservoir distribution law and the macroscopic evolution law can realize the systematic in-depth cognition also becomes one of the key problems which restricts the global oil and gas exploration to obtain more breakthrough. Based on the Niger Delta basin and Congo fan basin on the passive continental margin of West Africa, where the typical deep-water sediments are widely developed, the sequence interface identification of the deep-water sedimentary system is carried out, with seismic data as the main source and drilling data as the auxiliary. The research area sequence and the system tract division plan are defined, and the deep-water sedimentary sequence stratigraphic framework is established. Based on the characteristics of deep-water sediments in two study areas, a set of deep-water sedimentary types in West Africa was established, which was divided into five subfacies: slope canyon, block current, waterway body, flower leaf body and semi-deep sea mud. The block flow is divided into two kinds of microfacies: slip body and sloughing debris flow. The waterway body is further divided into five microfacies: high erosion filling channel, low erosion crossing road plus accumulation channel, crossing high bend channel, abandoned waterway, dike bank and overflowing 5 kinds of microfacies. The flower body was subdivided into two microfacies: the terminal leaf and the cleft leaf. At the same time, the lithologic assemblage, seismic reflection and plane development characteristics of each microfacies are systematically summarized and dissected. The macroscopical evolution and distribution of deep-water sedimentary system in the study area are analyzed in depth. It is recognized that both watercourse body and flower leaf body have developed in the deep-water sedimentary system of Niger Delta basin and are upward from the bottom down. With the process of relative sea level first falling and then rising, the early stage is dominated by the development of flower leaf bodies, and in the late stage, the development of large turbid hydrops is dominant. In the Congo fan basin, the deep-water sediments are mainly watercourse bodies, and the flower leaf bodies are less developed, the scale of the early waterways is small, and the multi-branch composite waterways are developed in the middle of the period, and the development degree of the watercourses decreases gradually. In the late stage, the energy and erosion capacity of waterways were strengthened, and even large slope canyons and multi-channel bodies were formed.
【作者單位】: 中海油研究總院;
【基金】:國家“十二五”科技重大專項(xiàng)“非洲、中東重點(diǎn)勘探區(qū)油氣地質(zhì)評(píng)價(jià)及關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究”(2011ZX05030-003) 國家“十三五”科技重大專項(xiàng)“西非和南美海域重點(diǎn)區(qū)油氣地質(zhì)評(píng)價(jià)及關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究”(2017ZX05032-001)


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