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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-01 20:51
[Abstract]:On the basis of the previous studies and the latest research results, taking the formation of deep-water sandstone as a clue, this paper discusses the genetic mechanism of gravity flow sedimentary sandstone and the late remolding of bottom flow, analyzes the controversial problems, discusses the solutions, and reveals the significance of oil and gas exploration. The formation mechanism of gravity flow sedimentary sandstone is complicated, and the turbidity flow is strictly defined as the gravity flow supported by turbulent flow and suspended subsidence, which is helpful to explain the genetic mechanism of sandstone and predict the distribution of sand body. The sandstone with normal grain sequence structure is turbidite origin, block sandstone and reverse grain sequence sandstone are sandstone clastic flow origin. The turbidite sandstone deposits are dispersed around the plane to form a leaf-like sand body, while the clastic flow sandstone deposits are distributed along the direction of fluid transport, forming a tongue sand body. The gravity flow deposition was transformed by the late bottom flow to form sandstone with traction flow structure, but the traction flow structure is not the special mark of the bottom flow reconstruction sand body, which needs to be identified in combination with the distribution characteristics of sand body and the sedimentary environment. The gravity flow deposition in the channel is affected by the bottom flow, the natural dike is asymmetrical, the channel is migrated in one direction, and the horizontal distribution range of the sand body becomes larger, but the vertical thickness of the sand body becomes smaller. At the same time, the local negative topography will be formed between the natural embankments modified by the bottom flow, which is the late waterway, the flower body is favorable for deposition, and it is easy to form continuous vertical superimposed sand bodies. Deep-water sandstone prediction needs to combine gravity flow deposition with bottom flow transformation.
【作者單位】: 陜西省地質(zhì)調(diào)查中心;中國石油勘探開發(fā)研究院;中石油煤層氣有限責(zé)任公司忻州分公司;中國石油華北油田分公司勘探開發(fā)研究院;


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