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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-01 19:04
【摘要】:基于實驗對4個不同形狀的20L容器內(nèi)的油氣爆燃過程進行了研究,探討了不同形狀受限空間內(nèi)爆炸壓力荷載的變化和火焰行為的區(qū)別。結(jié)果表明:管道(短管和長管)的壓力時序曲線較容積式受限空間(球形容器和立方體容器)的壓力時序曲線更復(fù)雜,并且出現(xiàn)壓力振蕩;隨著初始濃度的增加,超壓值和平均升壓速率均先增大后減小,在濃度為1.74%時達(dá)到最大值,此時,超壓從大到小依次為:長管短管立方體球形容器,平均升壓速率從大到小依次為:短管立方體長管球形容器;在爆燃初期,立方體中火焰行為為半球狀層流火焰→扁平層流火焰,火焰速度先增大后減小,最大速度為12.5 m/s,長管中火焰行為為半球狀層流火焰→拉伸指狀火焰,火焰速度一直增大,最大速度為40 m/s。
[Abstract]:Based on the experiments, the hydrocarbon deflagration process in four 20L vessels with different shapes was studied, and the variation of explosion pressure load and the difference of flame behavior in confined space with different shapes were discussed. The results show that the pressure time series curve of pipeline (short pipe and long tube) is more complex than that of volume confined space (spherical vessel and cube vessel), and there is pressure oscillation. With the increase of initial concentration, the value of overpressure and the average rate of pressure rise first and then decrease, reaching the maximum when the concentration is 1.74. In this case, the order of overpressure from large to small is: long tube short tube cube spherical vessel, The order of the average pressure rise rate from big to small is: short tube cube long tube spherical vessel; In the early stage of deflagration, the flame behavior in the cube is a hemispherical laminar flame and a flat laminar flame. The flame velocity increases first and then decreases, and the maximum velocity is 12.5 ms.The flame behavior in the long tube is a hemispherical laminar flame stretching finger flame. The flame speed has been increasing, with a maximum velocity of 40 m / s.
【作者單位】: 中國人民解放軍后勤工程學(xué)院軍事供油工程系;


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