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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-31 20:32
[Abstract]:The braided river delta sand body is relatively developed, and its physical properties are good, so it can be used as an important oil and gas reservoir. Therefore, the analysis of sedimentary characteristics and the establishment of sedimentary models and sequences play an important role in oil and gas exploration. By measuring the braided river delta outcrop of the Wulapo formation in the Sigonghe section of the southern margin of Junggar Basin, the sedimentary characteristics, lithofacies and granularity characteristics of each sedimentary microfacies are analyzed. Finally, the sedimentary model and vertical sedimentary sequence of braided river delta in this area were established. The results show that the deposition of Sigonghe section is mainly composed of braided delta plain and front subfacies, microfacies are mainly plain distributary channel, underwater distributary channel and estuarine dam, and the sand in front of braided river delta is relatively developed. The sand body of underwater distributary channel is the main body with fine granularity, fine sorting and good grinding circle, so it can be used as a good reservoir for oil and gas. The classification of lithofacies shows that there are 8 typical lithofacies types in the braided river delta of the Wulabo formation and 4 typical lithofacies and microfacies assemblages are identified. The particle size curve of braided river distributary channel is mainly composed of jump population and suspension population, and the underwater distributary channel can be divided into two sections, and the grain size curve of estuarine dam is composed of multiple sections, which is more complex. Based on the study of sedimentary characteristics, lithofacies and granularity, the braided river delta sedimentary model of the Wulapor formation is established, which can provide some guidance for oil and gas exploration in the region.
【作者單位】: 中國地質(zhì)大學(xué)(北京)能源學(xué)院;
【基金】:國家自然科學(xué)基金(編號:41472091) 國家“十三五”科技重大專項(編號:2017ZX05001-002)聯(lián)合資助


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