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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-31 13:34
[Abstract]:Natural gas hydrate is recognized as the most potential clean new energy in the world. At present, the research on hydrate exploration and exploitation in China is entering a critical breakthrough stage. The heat transfer characteristic has the vital influence and the control function to the hydrate high efficiency exploitation. This paper takes the high efficiency key problem in the hydrate mining process as the research background, aiming at the hydrate sediment effective thermal conductivity, the reservoir heat transfer factor. The variation of heat transfer in decomposition process and its influence on mining are studied. In order to investigate the thermal conductivity of hydrate sediments, an experimental method and system for in-situ measurement of effective thermal conductivity of hydrate in porous media at high pressure and low temperature were developed, and the effective thermal conductivity of hydrate sediments in different porosity and porous media was obtained. The variation of effective thermal conductivity under the action of saturation, temperature and other factors. Based on the experimental data of different dimensions, an empirical correlation formula for the effective thermal conductivity of hydrate sediments is established. It is proved that the empirical correlation can better predict the effective thermal conductivity of THF hydrate sediments and water-saturated sediments. The macroscopic heat transfer factors of reservoir in the process of hydrate sediment exploitation are systematically studied. The experimental results show that the thermal recovery process of gas hydrate is a thermal conductivity controlled decomposition mode, which proves that the thermal conductivity and exploitation temperature of sediment determine the recovery efficiency. The results show that the effect of high thermal conductivity porous media on hydrate decomposition is mainly reflected in the later stage of hydrate decomposition, which can increase the decomposition temperature, gas production rate and cumulative gas production rate of sediment, and inhibit the formation of ice. Furthermore, the extraction efficiency of hydrate is improved. Combined with the calculation of Ste, it is proved that the sensible heat of sediment controls the extraction efficiency of hydrates in the stage of rapid depressurization. The higher Ste can promote the decomposition of hydrates, raise the extraction temperature and restrain the phenomenon of ice formation in the stage of rapid depressurization. The promoting effect of sensible heat on hydrate is obviously weakened. It is found that Qov plays a leading role in controlling heat transfer and hydrate recovery efficiency in the later stage of depressurized mining, and that Qov can significantly improve the hydrate extraction efficiency. With the increase of hydrate saturation, the effect of Qov on mining is enhanced. However, with the increase of Qov, the promotion of hydrate becomes weaker and the recovery efficiency of hydrate decreases gradually. The influence mechanism of heat transfer in hydrate mining is discussed. The relationship between heat transfer effect and extraction efficiency of the three mining technologies is systematically compared and analyzed. It is proved that the sensible heat of sediment layer and the inhibition of ice formation are the key factors to improve the efficiency of depressurization mining. Energy utilization ratio and hydrate saturation are the key factors to determine the efficiency of heat injection extraction, and combined mining is the most promising mining technology for its considerable gas production efficiency. The variation of thermal conductivity in different stages of hydrate decomposition is obtained experimentally. It is found that the rate of hydrate decomposition and gas-water migration are the main factors controlling the variation of sediment thermal conductivity during hydrate decomposition. A method of in-situ measurement of heat transfer coefficient of hydrate decomposition process in porous medium at high pressure and low temperature was established. The synergistic variation of heat transfer coefficient with decomposition rate and gas production rate in hydrate sediment was obtained. The experimental results show that the change of phase state and gas-liquid flow are the main driving forces for the change of heat transfer coefficient in the process of hydrate decomposition. In the rapid decomposition stage of hydrate, the heat transfer coefficient increases rapidly with the decomposition of hydrate and gas output, and the heat transfer coefficient increases first and then decreases with the increase of Shi.


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