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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-31 10:26
[Abstract]:Our country has made great progress in the technology of oil drilling rig, but we should face up to the fact that compared with some developed countries and regions of foreign oil industry, there is still not a small gap in technology in our country at present. In particular, environmental protection and energy conservation needs to be strengthened. Only by treating the technical system of the oil drilling rig as a strategic equipment for the development of the petroleum industry and actively introducing and developing more advanced and environmentally friendly technologies can the petroleum industry realize its own development on the one hand. On the other hand, for the country's environmental protection cause to make due contribution. The GTI dual fuel system of oil drilling rig replaces the traditional diesel fuel equipment, which is suitable for drilling in remote areas without power grid. Therefore, it is of theoretical and practical significance to carry out the research on energy saving of oil drilling rig based on GTI dual fuel system. In this paper, several energy saving schemes of oil drilling rig are analyzed, which are electric oil replacement scheme, pure natural gas scheme and mixed fuel scheme. The advantages of each scheme are summarized, and the shortcomings of the scheme are also analyzed. On this basis, the suitable mixed fuel scheme is selected according to the actual situation in the Tarim desert area. Combined with the principle of GTI dual fuel system, the principle of dual fuel system and the composition of mixed fuel technology system are studied respectively. The characteristics of mixed fuel technology system and the natural gas supply of mixed fuel technology system are analyzed and summarized in this paper. The GTI system scheme suitable for drilling rig in Tarim desert area is put forward. After the modification of the diesel engine, the operating parameters of the diesel engine controlled and monitored were set, and the applicability of the GTI was analyzed according to the test process and results. The test results show that the GTI system of drilling rig has the characteristics of good economic operation, safety and environmental protection under the condition of diesel and natural gas, and can meet the actual production needs.


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