
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 石油論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-30 16:45
[Abstract]:As the exploitation of offshore oil and gas resources moves towards the deep sea and the ultra deep sea, the submarine oil and gas pipelines are undoubtedly facing greater risks and challenges. The huge hydrostatic pressure in the deep sea and the pressure bearing capacity of the low temperature environment on the submarine pipelines, Corrosion resistance and thermal insulation have higher requirements. However, the traditional single-layer pipe can not meet the requirements of carrying capacity and safe transportation of pipelines in deep water and ultra deep water. A new sandwich pipe composite structure has attracted wide attention due to its remarkable advantages in the exploitation and transportation of deep-sea oil and gas resources. Deep-sea oil and gas pipelines need to be subjected to axial tension, bending and external high hydrostatic pressure during laying and service. The material nonlinearity and geometric nonlinearity of sandwich pipes increase the complexity of pipeline stress. The local buckling of pipes is easy to occur under complex external loads, and the buckling is transmitted along the pipeline axis, which leads to the overall instability and failure of pipelines. Sandwich pipe composite structure has a great prospect in the field of deep-sea oil and gas resource transportation. It is of great practical significance to study the buckling instability mechanism of sandwich pipe composite structure under complex loads. In this paper, the bonding properties between the sandwich layer and the inner and outer tubes are measured by experiments, and the results are compared with the results obtained by the numerical simulation method. On the basis of considering different interlaminar bonding properties, the buckling instability of sandwich tubes under complex load combination is analyzed by numerical simulation. The main works are as follows: (1) the interlaminar bonding properties of sandwich tubes. In this paper, the shear stress-displacement curves of epoxy resin adhesive and 3M-DP8005 adhesive are obtained under the condition of smooth and rough contact surface by tensile test of shear specimen and axial extrapolation test of sandwich tube piece. The finite element models of the two kinds of tests were established by using the universal finite element software ABAQUS, and the results were calculated by simulating the test process. (2) the buckling instability of sandwich tube composite structures under the combined action of axial tension and bending was studied. The numerical model of sandwich tube composite structure under the combination of bending and tension is established. The nonlinear spring element between nodes is used to simulate the interlaminar bonding performance of the sandwich tube in the axial and circumferential directions, and a wide range of parameterized analysis is carried out. The effects of loading path, interlaminar bonding properties, cross-section geometry and material characteristics on buckling instability of sandwich tube are systematically discussed. (3) buckling instability of sandwich tube composite structure under the combination of hydrostatic pressure and bending. The numerical model of sandwich tube composite structure under the combination of hydrostatic pressure and bending is established. Through a series of parameter sensitivity analysis, the loading path and interlaminar bonding properties are studied. The effect of geometrical configuration of section and material characteristics on buckling instability of sandwich tubes under the combined loads is investigated. The results show that the load path has a significant effect on the buckling behavior of sandwich tubes under the complex load combination, and the buckling behavior of sandwich tubes is greatly improved compared with the traditional single-layer tubes. Compared with the initial geometric defects of the sandwich tube, the geometric configuration of the sandwich tube section and the characteristics of the inner and outer tube materials have great influence on the buckling performance of the sandwich tube.


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