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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-18 22:28

  本文選題:熱液改造型儲(chǔ)層 + 儲(chǔ)層形成機(jī)制; 參考:《天然氣地球科學(xué)》2017年06期

[Abstract]:There is hydrothermal activity in the Cambrian and petrology of dolomite in Gucheng area of Tarim Basin. Geochemical characteristics indicate that it is affected by hydrothermal fluid, but the relationship between hydrothermal activity and reservoir formation and reservoir distribution is not clear. Based on the comprehensive analysis of Cambrian lithofacies and paleogeography and the petrological characteristics of the hilly shoal body in the margin belt, it is considered that the Cambrian dolomite is the origin of shallow buried dolomitization in the ancient city area, and the hydrothermal action mode is the later transformation. Develop hydrothermal modified dolomite reservoir. The magnesium isotopic analysis shows that the magnesium ions needed for saddle dolomite precipitation mainly come from the Cambrian itself. The hydrothermal fluid dissolves dolomite first and then accumulates magnesium ions in the layer and then precipitates dolomite. By synthesizing logging and core data and calculating the distance of covariance between the well log response of the reformed section of strong hydrothermal fluid and the section to be predicted, the single well prediction of the revamping strength of hydrothermal fluid in well Chengtan 1 is realized. Combined with three dimensional seismic data, the plane prediction of the strength of hydrothermal transformation of the stratigraphic framework in different periods of the Upper Cambrian is realized. Combined with the differential transformation of the reservoir by hydrothermal fluid, the plane distribution of the reservoir with different reservoir properties is predicted.
【作者單位】: 中國(guó)石油勘探開(kāi)發(fā)研究院;
【基金】:國(guó)家科技重大專(zhuān)項(xiàng)(編號(hào):2011ZX05004-001) 中國(guó)石油天然氣股份有限公司重大科技專(zhuān)項(xiàng)(編號(hào):2014E-32-01)聯(lián)合資助


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