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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-18 21:04

  本文選題:固井 + 水竄 ; 參考:《鉆井液與完井液》2017年04期

[Abstract]:The problem of cementing water channeling is a common technical problem in various oilfields, and there is a lack of effective solution at present. In view of the above problems, starting from the cement slurry system, the structural design of the waterproof channeling material is first carried out, and then the corresponding waterproof channeling raw materials are screened according to the structural design, and the reasonable compound research is carried out. A new waterproof material for well cementing was prepared. According to the mechanism of water channeling in different stages of cementing, the waterproofing channeling effect of this material is evaluated in a corresponding way. The results show that the developed waterproof channeling material can increase the internal structure of cement slurry and shorten the transition time of static cementing. Avoid shrinkage of cement stone and avoid water channeling in different stages of cement slurry. In addition, the comprehensive evaluation results show that the new cementing waterproof and channeling material can shorten the thickening time, increase the strength of cement stone, improve the stability of cement slurry, and have no adverse effect on the properties of cement slurry, such as thickening, rheology and water loss, and the comprehensive performance is good.
【作者單位】: 中國石油集團海洋工程有限公司渤星公司;西部鉆探青海鉆井公司;


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