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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-18 18:22

  本文選題:光纖傳感 + 立式液化天然氣儲(chǔ)罐 ; 參考:《江西理工大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, fire and explosion accidents caused by leakage of vertical LNG storage tanks occur all over the world. Once this kind of accident occurs, it is very likely to cause casualties and a large number of property losses, which not only seriously threatens the safety of personnel, but also has a great impact on the surrounding environment. Therefore, the temperature field of vertical liquefied natural gas tank can be monitored in real time by using optical fiber temperature sensor to monitor the temperature field of the external wall of the tank, and the variation of temperature field of the tank during the leakage of liquefied natural gas in the tank can be well grasped. It also provides necessary technical guidance for safety management to make timely preventive control and remedial measures for LNG leakage and diffusion caused by natural gas tank rupture and so on. For enterprises to reduce safety risks and make production to achieve essential safety to provide security. In order to better study the variation of ambient temperature caused by the leakage and diffusion of vertical LNG tank, the mathematical model of temperature field change on the outer wall of vertical LNG tank during the leakage period is established. Based on the principle of distributed optical fiber temperature sensing technology, a reasonable simulation fiber winding arrangement is carried out for the natural gas storage tank. The temperature field on the surface of vertical natural gas tank during the leakage period is simulated by photo-electric signal conversion. Finally, the variation law of temperature field on the outer wall of the tank when the liquid natural gas leak occurs in the tank is obtained according to the diagram of the environmental temperature changing with the leakage time curve of the leak opening area and the related detection area in the leakage period. At last, the conclusion is drawn: under the premise of setting boundary conditions and basic assumptions, the temperature curve of the outer wall of the tank monitored by temperature sensing fiber can obviously decrease at the time of tank leakage. And the closer to the leak, the more drastic the temperature drop, the shorter the time required to change the temperature, the farther away from the leak, the smaller the temperature drop, the longer the temperature change. At the same time, the temperature field around the leak also varies with the distance from the leak. Only after the leakage of liquefied natural gas (LNG), gasification and heat absorption will lead to a significant decrease in the temperature of the external wall of the tank. Therefore, it is possible to determine the leakage of the vertical LNG tank at this time, and to find out the leakage area accurately by the optical fiber temperature sensing technology. Provide technical reference for safety workers and guarantee safe operation of storage tank.


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