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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-18 06:40

  本文選題:杏十區(qū) + 斷點; 參考:《東北石油大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the past, most of the researches on residual oil along the fault edge were based on reservoir heterogeneity, micro-structure, exploitation and production conditions, but the fault geometry and the control of fault structure on the distribution of remaining oil were ignored. Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out the work of combining well and earthquake with structural interpretation, fine interpretation of faults and fine identification and characterization of nearby micro-amplitude structures in the study area, so as to improve the accuracy of fault characterization, which is of great significance for the work of tapping potential of remaining oil. In this study, the regional tectonic characteristics and geometric kinematics characteristics of Xingshi area were analyzed, and the fault active periods were determined in detail, and the evolution history of fault formation was systematically analyzed. In addition, the well shock combined with seismic horizon interpretation technique is used to check the fracture point and study the distribution characteristics and regularity of the fracture point. It is found that there is a conflict of well earthquakes with multiple faults in a single fault well. In view of this contradiction, we reinterpret the fracture by using the theory of segmental growth of fracture. Based on the investigation of fault at home and abroad and the practice of well logging and seismic data in the area, a method of single-stage fault characterization is put forward, which is guided by the mechanism of fault growth and evolution, and restricted by logging earthquakes through a great deal of interpretation work. By this method, the fault in Xingshi area is rerecognized, the accuracy of fault description is improved, and a solid geological basis is provided for guiding the excavation of residual potential along the fault edge. The concrete results and understandings in this study are as follows: 1) the region experienced three stages of tectonic movement, and each fault has different degrees of syngenesis. The results show that the fault of Sapu reservoir has multi-stage active characteristics, such as verification of fault point and analysis of distribution characteristics, and fine interpretation of seismic horizon and main fault section near the fault. In order to lay a solid foundation for the following work, the causes and mechanism of the growth and evolution of the large faults are clarified. The large faults have the characteristics of "plane subsection growth, vertical phased evolution". The fault growth and evolution mechanism is guided by the well logging seismic data constraints. A set of single phase identification methods for large faults is formed, and the attribution of multiple fault points in a well is more reasonable. On the basis of fine interpretation of faults, a method and standard for identification of microstructures along the fault edge are established based on fault growth mechanism. A quantitative description of the distribution range of microtectonics is presented. The comprehensive analysis of the structure, injection-production relationship and potential sand bodies shows that 44 favorable target areas have been selected, of which 12 are favorable areas, 11 are favorable zones of second class and 21 are favorable areas of three types.


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