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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-18 00:42

  本文選題:泄漏檢測 + 定位。 參考:《武漢工程大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Large-caliber long-distance pipeline is a kind of natural gas long-distance transportation. Leakage will cause serious safety problems in long-distance pipeline transportation. Gas leakage will not only damage the environment, but also lead to poisoning, fire, explosion and other serious accidents. Therefore, the normal operation of natural gas pipeline must be safely tested. At present, the variation of flow rate and pressure is mainly used to detect the leakage of gas pipeline. This kind of method is easy to be affected by the pipeline transportation condition, and the abnormal situation of the pipeline can not be forewarned. In this paper, the large diameter infrasonic wave and distributed optical fiber leak detection methods are studied respectively. Combining the advantages of the two leak detection methods, the purpose of reducing false alarm rate, identifying and controlling leakage risk and reducing the occurrence of safety accidents is achieved. In this paper, the following research is carried out: 1: 1. By analyzing the mechanism of pipeline leakage infrasound, it is concluded that infrasound is formed by the interaction of fluid and solid. The state of pipeline gas leakage is simulated by FLUENT software. By simulating the gas pressure distribution and gas velocity distribution near the leakage port, it can be seen that there will be a certain infrasonic wave signal at the leakage port, and the sound pressure of the leaked infrasonic wave signal is analyzed according to the Lighthill wave equation and FW-H equation. Finally, the pipeline leakage sonic signal. 2. Based on the principle of Mach-Zehnder distributed optical fiber leak detection, a linear Mach-Zehnder distributed fiber location detection method is proposed. The test platform is built, and the detected photoelectric signal is transmitted to the Labview working platform for demodulation processing, and the detection results are obtained. It is known that the system can detect the interference quickly and detect the abnormal situation of pipeline in advance when the external disturbance vibration occurs. The wavelet analysis method is used to analyze and process the leakage signal. According to the non-stationary random characteristic of the leakage signal, the threshold value, wavelet packet decomposition and cross-correlation algorithm are used to study respectively, and the denoising effect of the three algorithms is compared. It is concluded that the cross-correlation algorithm can not only effectively eliminate the background noise, but also weaken the noise signal intensity of the sudden change to a certain extent, and extract the abrupt signal of the leakage moment effectively.


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