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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-17 23:22

  本文選題:低礦化度注水 + 微觀機理 ; 參考:《石油鉆采工藝》2017年02期

[Abstract]:Low salinity water injection is a frontier technology, which can improve the oil displacement effect in carbonate rock and sandstone reservoir, so it has been paid more and more attention at present. In this paper, the main micro mechanism of low salinity water injection in sandstone reservoir to improve oil recovery is summarized, including the change of wettability, the expansion and migration of clay, the diffusion of double electric layer, etc. The mass concentration of low salinity water and the type of ions can change the internal force balance of various clay and the force balance between clay and crude oil, resulting in the diffusion of double layer of electricity, and finally the change of wettability and swelling migration of clay. Low salinity water injection can improve the recovery of most sandstone reservoirs. The development of most sandstone reservoirs in China has entered the middle and late stage, and it is of great significance to study the microscopic mechanism of low salinity water injection for the development of sandstone reservoirs.
【作者單位】: 西南石油大學油氣藏地質(zhì)及開發(fā)工程國家重點實驗室;


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