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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-17 20:39

  本文選題:縱向非均質(zhì)油藏 + 聚合物驅(qū); 參考:《新疆石油地質(zhì)》2017年03期

[Abstract]:Polymer flooding has achieved good results in many field tests, but it often occurs in the process of polymer flooding. The traditional theory of alternating injection of polymer solution to control the return of liquid absorption profile is not suitable for the general development of vertical heterogeneous reservoirs. Based on the calculation of the resistance of oil-water two-phase flow, this paper studies the mechanism and discriminant method of backturning of liquid absorption profile during polymer flooding, and discusses the mechanism of increasing oil recovery in the general development process of alternating injection of polymer solution. The limit of permeability difference for polymer flooding is determined. The results show that in the longitudinal heterogeneous reservoir, the injection rate corresponding to the mobility extremum of each layer is the point where the polymer flooding fluid absorption profile turns back, and in the case of general development of the longitudinal heterogeneous reservoir, Alternative injection of polymer solution did not obviously increase the liquid absorption of low permeability reservoir, but increased oil recovery through the action of oil wall, when the reservoir permeability difference of longitudinal heterogeneous reservoir was greater than 4, The single polymer flooding can not achieve the best development effect. It is necessary to adjust the water absorption profile and then carry out polymer flooding to improve the recovery degree of crude oil.
【作者單位】: 中國石油大學(xué)石油工程教育部重點實驗室;中國石油大學(xué)石油工程學(xué)院;中海油研究總院;中海油海洋石油高效開發(fā)國家重點實驗室;
【基金】:國家科技重大專項(2016ZX05025-003-010) 中國石油大學(xué)優(yōu)秀博士學(xué)位論文基金項目(01JB0585)


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