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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-17 16:19

  本文選題:鉆屑甩干機(jī) + 結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì); 參考:《西南石油大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the past, in order to improve economic efficiency, the waste drilling chips treated by multi-stage solid control equipment, such as settling pool, vibrating screen and centrifuge, were often buried deep in place in various oil fields, which had a long-term impact on the environment. With the improvement of national environmental protection standards, the major oil platforms in China began to pay attention to the pollution caused by the waste drilling cuttings, and increased the investment in order to alleviate the phenomenon of improper handling of waste oil drilling chips and pollution of the environment. However, the liquid content of waste drilling cuttings is still high after treatment of common solid control equipment, and the direct discharge will cause serious environmental pollution and waste a large amount of drilling fluid. In order to improve the recovery efficiency of drilling fluid and reduce the pollution to the environment, it is necessary to deal with the waste drilling debris in a more effective and economical way. At this time, the driller began to be gradually used in the process of waste drilling and cuttings treatment. The introduction of the drillers makes the treatment of drilling cuttings more efficient and simple, and can reduce the environmental pollution and improve the economic efficiency by recovering the drilling fluid from the waste drilling debris at the same time. Moreover, it is much cheaper to treat waste drilling chips by using drilling scraps drying machine than by complex procedures. In view of this, this paper designs a kind of double drum drilling chip flick dryer, which is used to increase the handling capacity of drilling chip, alleviate the phenomenon of particle blockage in the working process of the driller, and further economize the cost and increase the economic benefit. The main work of this paper is as follows: in the first part, it is found that the liquid content of the waste drilling chip is lower than 5, which conforms to the requirements of HSE and the standard of 6%OOC. However, after studying some field cases of the drillers, it is found that there are some shortcomings in the operation of the drillers, such as the sieve screen is easily blocked in the working process of the drillers, the handling capacity is relatively small, and the cost of the differential speed system is high. Maintenance difficulties, etc. In the second part, aiming at the deficiency of the drying machine at present, the paper puts forward a kind of double drum drilling chip drying machine, introduces the working principle of the double drum drilling chip drying machine, and applies the relevant theory of mechanical design to the main component of the drilling chip drying machine: the screw scraper. The structural design of drum, screen mesh shaft, drum shaft and belt drive with geometric shape of isosceles triangle is carried out, which lays the foundation for the modeling of subsequent simulation model. In the third part, the force of particle group in the model of spiral scraper drum screen mesh and drum screen mesh model is analyzed, and the discrete element theory is introduced briefly, which provides a theoretical basis for the subsequent application of simulation to analyze the force of particles. In the fourth part, the model of screw scraper flick dryer is put forward, and the movement of particles in spiral scraper drum sieve mesh model and traditional drum screen model is compared and analyzed. The improved screw scraper drum-screen model has obvious advantages in working efficiency. In the fifth part, the influence of screw angle, drum height, feed handling capacity and rotational speed difference on the movement of particle group is further analyzed by using discrete element software EDEM. The optimum working parameters and structure parameters are obtained.


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