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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-17 15:41

  本文選題:鋪管船 + 張緊器; 參考:《華東理工大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:At present, the exploitation of offshore oil and natural gas has become a hot spot in the world oil industry and the frontier of scientific and technological innovation. The development of offshore pipeline laying ship is a key equipment in the development of offshore oil industry. As the core equipment of the pipeline laying vessel, the behavior of the tensioner directly affects the whole ocean pipe laying operation. Therefore, it is of great engineering value to study and analyze the stress state of the tensioner under the real working condition, and to improve and optimize the design of the tensioner. The dynamic performance of the tensioner and the stress on the pipe during clamping are studied. The causes of the vibration at the end of the tensioning wheel of the ballast are analyzed and the vibration suppression method is put forward. The research method of combining digital prototype simulation analysis with physical prototype test is put forward. The multibody dynamic model of tensioner and the local finite element model of ballast pipeline are established in ADAMS and ANSYS respectively. According to the actual working conditions of tensioner, the dynamic model of the tensioner and the local finite element model of the ballast pipe are established. The numerical simulation of the above digital prototype is carried out. The stress and vibration of the tensioner pipe are obtained by field test. The correctness and validity of the digital prototype are verified by comparing the simulation results with the test results. Based on the virtual test of the tensioner, the method of suppressing the vibration at the end of the tensioner ballast is discussed. The digital prototype can effectively analyze and study the dynamic and static performance of the tensioner, which is helpful to the design and improvement of the tensioner, and has an important application significance for the development of the tube-laying ship.


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