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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-17 07:53

  本文選題:東地中海 + 巖相古地理 ; 參考:《石油勘探與開發(fā)》2017年04期

[Abstract]:Based on the geological and seismic data of the Levant basin in the eastern Mediterranean, the prototype basin and lithofacies paleogeography of the main geological periods were restored, the basin structural characteristics were compared and analyzed, and the reservoir forming model was established by combining the dissection of the discovered gas reservoirs. The favorable reservoir forming assemblage in this area and the exploration direction in the next step are discussed. The Livant basin is mainly composed of three stages: early fault, middle fault and late fault. The early faults were mainly controlled by intracontinental faults, and the deep water areas in the southern part of the basin were less affected by late compressive stress, while the intermediate faults were mainly affected by lateral tectonic stress and the Syrian arc fold belt, and the tectonic activity gradually weakened from north to south, from east to west. The late faults are well developed due to collision and compression and the Dead Sea strike-slip fault zone, but they are not pierced through the thick layer evaporite of the upper Miocene. Combined with the discovery of oil and gas reservoirs and outcrops, it is considered that Mesozoic sandstone, carbonate rock, Cenozoic carbonate rock and Temmar sandstone near Elatoseney uplift on the far shore of Israel are the next major exploration directions.
【作者單位】: 中國地質(zhì)大學(北京)能源學院;中國石油勘探開發(fā)研究院;


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