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  本文選題:油田增壓柴油機(jī) + 參數(shù)的模擬; 參考:《東北石油大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In Daqing Oilfield, diesel engine is the driving power of drilling rig, diesel engine is the power of large engineering vehicle, and the engine of many cars is diesel engine. Diesel engine is more and more widely used for its superior fuel economy, power performance and reliability. Since the fuel used in a diesel engine is generally a hydrocarbon fuel, when it is completely burned in the combustion chamber, it will only produce carbon dioxide and water vapor, but in the actual operation of the diesel engine, especially the high-power diesel engine used in the oil field, The combustion time of the fuel is very short and the fuel and air can not be mixed completely. The oxidation reaction of the fuel is not complete, which will lead to the formation of the incomplete combustion product directly. For example: carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HCC) and nitrogen oxides (nitrous oxide). This caused serious air pollution. In order to reduce the emission of the most toxic nitrogen oxide, it is urgent to solve the problem that we should take measures to improve the emission pollution and minimize the emission pollution of diesel engine. In this paper, the supercharged diesel engine used in oil field is taken as an example, and the model of supercharged diesel engine is established by GT-Power software, and the simulation results of supercharged diesel engine in oil field are compared with the experimental results. Then several Venturi tubes of different sizes are designed, and different parameters are screened out. At the same time, the opening of the control valve of exhaust gas recirculation is changed, and the change of each parameter is studied when the fuel injection time changes. To find out the diesel engine emissions, economic, power and other changes with the parameters of the conclusion. The experimental results show that when the fuel injection advance angle increases, the power and torque of the diesel engine will increase, while the nitrogen oxygen compounds will be more and more. When the opening of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve increases, the exhaust gas recirculation ratio (EGR) also increases, and the emission of nitrogen oxides decreases. Then using STAR-CD technology to simulate the supercharged diesel engine in oil field, not only the pressure temperature distribution and the velocity change of the mixture in the combustion chamber of the diesel engine should be studied. The change of diesel fuel concentration and the formation of exhaust gas (mainly nitrogen and oxygen compounds in exhaust gas) etc. Furthermore, the influence of the size of the injection hole (mainly the change of the diameter, the structure of the combustor, the swirl intensity of the mixture in the compression process) on the combustion process of the turbocharged diesel engine should be studied. The effect on nitrous oxide (no _ x) emission and so on. The experimental results show that when the shape of the concave and convex structure of the top surface of the piston in the combustion chamber of the diesel engine will lead to the non-uniform variation of the swirl of the mixture, the fuel jet from the injection holes of the diesel engine injector will be mixed inhomogeneously between the combustion chamber and the air. It also makes the combustion ineffective. When the swirl of diesel engine mixture is larger, the fuel injected by the injector will have concave and convex on the top of the piston, which makes it difficult to spread out, which makes the gas mixing bad, and the nitrogen and oxygen compounds in the exhaust gas increasing.


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