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  本文選題:注水站系統(tǒng) + 節(jié)能 ; 參考:《東北石油大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Although there is a certain gap between China and foreign countries, there are a variety of methods, one of which is water injection. Most of the oil exploitation methods in China depend on formation pressure, but water injection overcomes the shortcoming of insufficient formation pressure, and in the process of actual exploitation, water injection can exploit the oil which can not be exploited by formation energy, which improves the recovery efficiency. However, as far as water injection is concerned, it is a great project in itself. With the popularization of water injection technology in China in recent years, there are more and more projects using water injection to exploit oil in our country. The development of water injection in China has a certain history. For different stages of oil development and different requirements for water injection, water injection in China can be divided into a variety of factors according to different factors, which is mainly due to the different scale and nature of water injection. At present, there are two kinds of water injection in China: early water injection and secondary water injection. Early water injection is to stabilize the formation pressure and can be exploited smoothly and stably in the future in order to effectively carry out subsequent mining. In this process, the pump to the main flow resistance, surface and water pipeline resistance, reservoir pressure are provided by it. Secondary water injection is usually used to provide certain energy when the pressure is insufficient. In the actual water injection, the performance of these two water injection methods is very close, and both are related to formation and other properties. In the process of water injection, the whole water injection process is controlled by the water injection station. After reviewing the actual water injection efficiency, it is found that there is room for improvement in the whole process. In order to control the water injection, improve the efficiency of water injection, and help the water injection station to improve the water injection process, and reduce the artificial cost, reduce the occurrence of safety accidents. The starting point of this paper is the management of the whole water injection link, which can efficiently and scientifically manage all the water injection work, and develop the 24 hour water injection station management system, which can manage and control the equipment related to the well field. On the basis of this, the most suitable pressure is studied, and the cost of water injection is reduced, and the best water injection scheme is designed. On the basis of the above research, a certain model is established, and then the water injection detection system is designed and the water injection curve is drawn by using the computer software and the comprehensive experiment in the field. After the experiment. The experimental results accord with the ideal condition, improve the water injection efficiency and control the water injection cost, which has certain value and significance. For oil and gas production, water injection is a common measure in actual production, especially for the oil produced on land in China, but the cost of water injection is very high. With fewer and fewer oil fields with high water cut, the cost of water injection is rising. For oilfield development, it is very important to control the development cost to improve the oil field cost. The starting point of this paper is to improve the water injection system to find out the largest energy consumption of water injection and to find out the solution.


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