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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-15 23:12

  本文選題:井下油水分離 + 結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì) ; 參考:《北京化工大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the continuous progress of technology, offshore oil field has entered the stage of large-scale development. However, the offshore oil field has the characteristics of large single well production and high water cut, which is in contradiction with the limited water treatment capacity of offshore platform, which restricts the exploitation of offshore oil field. Downhole oil-water separation technology is an effective method to solve this problem. In this paper, a large flow downhole oil-water separation system with casing completion at 9-5 / 8 is studied. The target processing capacity is 700 m3 / d. The structure and classification of DOWS are introduced, and the advantages and disadvantages of each type are analyzed in detail. According to the characteristics of large handling capacity, the overall structure of the unit is designed, and the hydrocyclone and flow channel block in the subsystem of oil-water separator are designed. The first stage double cone hydrocyclone and the second stage single cone hydrocyclone are numerically simulated. According to the simulation results, the optimal operating parameters are obtained. The inlet flow rate of double cone hydrocyclone is 120m3 / d, the split ratio is 0.5, the inlet flow rate of single-cone hydrocyclone is 60m3 / d, the shunt ratio is 0.4, and the total shunt ratio is 0.7. For the double cone and single cone hydrocyclone series structure, the pressure drop law is obtained when the ratio of the two cones is the same and the ratio of the two cones is different. In order to improve the separation efficiency of hydrocyclone oil and water, the demulsifier was added. The results show that when the concentration of demulsifier is 0.08, the speed of demulsifying is the fastest, when the concentration is 0.4-0.6%, the demulsifying effect of demulsifier is the best, the demulsifying effect of demulsifier is gradually improved with the increase of temperature, and when the concentration of demulsifier is 0.08- 0.8%, The diameter of oil droplets in oil-water emulsion can be increased by about 10 times in 1Omin. The experimental bench which can be used to test the separation performance of DOWS on the ground is built, and the experimental scheme is worked out, which provides the conditions for the subsequent experiments.


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